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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. I think it should have a time limit and limit on the amount of children. you qualify for welfare great, you have 1yr to get job and the welfare ends. You already have 3 kids? thats all you get, better wrap up! We just need stricter restrictions, people know how to work the system.
  2. call all your cards holders and advise them of your job loss and "hardship". You have to use the word "hardship". I have called all mine, min payments cut in half, interest rate cut from high 20s to under 6%. it all helps.
  3. Forest is not a better striker you are right. Forest is very good with game plans and how he takes away an oppoents strength.


    Silva has dropped every other competitor he faced because THEY were a joke. That is why they won't put him up against Hendo again. Hendo was beating him when they fought here in Columbus but got caught in a scramble at the end of a round he was winning.


    This fight will be the best of the night.


    bingo. and I said anderson hasn't faced a stricker like forest.

  4. I don't think anyone here doesn't want to support education....but I for one am not about to flush more of my hard earned money into Issue 1 bullshit and then another school levy where the administration can't manage with what they have already.


    Times are tough, if parents want their kids in programs like band and sports and they can't be funded with what the schools have, then they have to either do without or pay it themselves. Every public organization is crying out for more of the public's money and it has to stop. Fucking balance your budget and make do with what you have. I have to, why not the schools and city gov'ts.


    good point. every school district is different. guess thats something that needs to be reaearched before going to vote.

  5. I think its pathetic that our government spends billions of dollars helping people in other countries when we have these types of problems right here and expect the hard working American homeowners to pick up their slack...


    I agree with that as well, but thats not what we're talking about. we are talking about the children of our community. the children that will be working in the stores we go to, the banks we go to, and ultimatley will be running our country some day. I for one would like them to have the best education we can provide. And for people to sit around and say I don't want to pay more for schools that I don't utilize is ignorant, because it all comes around somehow. Like stated early, if you can't spare $35 a month to better the community in which you live you have bigger problems.

  6. 35x12=420 a year extra in taxes for home owners. If those homeowners have no kids Im with them. I wouldnt want topay either even if I had the money to spend...Why should homeowner have to pay higher taxes because they are homeowners when people living in apartments dont have to...


    when some kid breaks into your car because he didn't have anything better to do after school, you will care (where he could have been playing a sport). or when you see some 18 year old getting welfare checks out of your hard earned money because he is too uneducated to get a job you will care regardless if you have your own kids. The kids in our schools affect everyone around them in one way or another. I think its pethetic people don't support schools more, shows where our society is going.

  7. I have a 97 z71 with the vortec 5.7. It has been running pretty bad lately. Has a miss at cruising speeds. pulled the plugs (which only have about 5k on them.) and the drivers side looked fine but the passenger side they all were jet black. Got some advice that a spider injector could have cracked and it was over compensating adding fuel to that side. so I took the intake off to see the injectors. no leaks. now my question is how do I clean them and with what? soak, just spray them with something? as for the miss, I am going to try the cats now. I have done, fuel pump, filter, plugs, wires, distributor, cap, and rotor.



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