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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. Im deff not the fastest there is always someone faster

    My s10 will be in 8s. but im not certified yet.

    on street trim is same as race trim

    9lbs boost dont know whp. but should be close to 9--

    on e85 andcarb.

    went 1.27 60ft 5.92 1/8th w 4.56 gear

    id say with bugs worked out. ill get in the 8s on 9lbs

    went 9.52 at 142 at trails. 9lbs and lean blowing past my 5500 converter. and 3.90 gear


    and you can drive your truck all weekend with no issues?

  2. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s43/biggie2424/DSCF1053.jpg



    My son purging the n2o, lol


  3. I dont NEED a truck. just want one I use it a lot for hunting and just general things. i have thought about getting a beeter civic or something but i cant justify have four veh for my wife and i.


    What about 4wd rangers? they are a smaller truck.

  4. ok heres the deal my work is relocating to zanesville and my drive distance is going to double. I currently drive a 97 z71 only gets 13mpg. I have put up with it thus far but don't think I can handle a 60 mile one way at that mpg.


    my req - 4x4, truck. need something with decent gas mileage. I know I wanting the best of all worlds but I need something better than 13mpg.


    looking for personal experience. thanks

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