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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. Though I do feel that teaching children creationism as science is child abuse.


    Child abuse is stretching it. Abuse would mean they are being hurt. How is teaching someone another option hurting them? A false teaching would be wrong yes, but I think every child should hear the story. Its there choice to believe it or not.

  2. OK Rick address the following or admit I'm right.


    Occasionally God will require you to kill your daughter as a “burnt” human sacrifice to him.

    Judges 11:31-39


    Funny you started with 31. verse 30 states "And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD : "If you give the Ammonites into my hands..." The LORD didn't make him do anything, he choose to make that vow.


    Just in case you want to sell your daughter as a sex slave, God teaches us the proper procedure.

    Exodus 21:7


    This verse was not written or spoken by the LORD. This verse is referring to hebrew slaves and how they should be treated. This verse is actually protecting the female slave. Is slavery wrong, yes, but in this time and culture it was customary.


    If your home is ever attacked by an angry drunken mob, offer your daughter to them to take turns repeatedly raping her until she is dead. This is necessary to save yourself and other guests of your home. If that doesn’t work, offer them a concubine instead.

    Judges 19:22-29


    Again, not the words of the LORD. A man offered this, a sick man at that. By the way, the woman was unfaithful to start with.


    If your daughter is disobedient or dishonors you, stone her to death.

    Exodus 21:17, Deuteronomy 21:20-21, Leviticus 20:9, Matthew 15:3-4, Mark 7:9-13


    These are rules set by the culture not by the LORD. Matthew, however is spoken by Jesus. Take it literally or don't, its your choice. I personally don't. If you do you make a good point. I think its good teaching, the punishment is far fetched but if that was the fear of all our children this world would be a much better place.


    If your daughter is engaged to be married and is raped, take her to the gate of the city and stone her to death. She must die because she didn’t scream loud enough for help. This is proof she enjoyed being raped.

    Deuteronomy 22:23-24


    Again, laws of the culture. I "think" its referring to if a man and a engaged woman meet and screw they "should" be stoned. the screaming statment is saying that she wanted it and wasn't trying to refuse. They deserve to be stoned if they are screwing around. Again, you are taking everything literally. How many times have you said to someone "I am going to kill you?" wether is be racing or joking with a friend. you don't take that litterally do you?



    Now if your going to DEFEND your 6000 year creationist complete and utter garbage defend the verses above.


    Don't give me that Jesus made it all better. So god's infallible but he kills those and treats women as second rate people.


    Jesus did make it better, perfect no, there is still sin. Just because someone is acting on what they proclaim God told them to do dosen't mean it is. we still deal with this today.


    You can't pick and choose your bible. Address it all or Shut the fuck up and stop pushing your BULL SHIT on kids. Its child abuse to push a child to follow the bible. Its full of garabage.


    I can pick and chose as I wish, just like you do. Why don't you quote the good verses of the bible? If everyone followed the 10 comandments, this world would be a much better place. you can't argue that. Its only BS to you, thats your opnion not everyones. its hardly child abuse to give them options especially when it can't hurt their lives.


    Lets go with a few.


    Eve seduces her son who killed his brother.

    Thats not the only incest. Lets talk about the daughters who get there dad drunk and have incestial sex.


    Blame satan, not God.


    I have no problems with Christians I have problems with Christians who think there way is so high and mighty because the bible says it so. Well if your going to say that then you have to address the other parts.


    Again, a person can address what they choose.


    Ya know the parts you don't hear about and you only know if you've read the word yourself.


    Don't give me the jesus blah blah crap. If that's the case then the 10 commandments are no longer valid.


    If gods perfect why do you not follow his rules from his book to a T ?


    Because the Bible is written by humans, who were trying to interpret what God was telling them. Flaws? absolutely. Take for what it is, believe what you want.


    I bet anything you will call me some name or say I'm stupid and will not address my concerns.


    There I addressed them from my perspective. Right or wrong, I have no clue. But there you go. I just get sick of you attacking everyone on here that has a belief thats not yours. Take it as it is.



    I am NOT here to argue with you any further, I am NOT going to have a debate or discussion with you. I replied to all your verses. I am not going to reply to more (I know there are many more). you are someone who these discussions are pointless will not go anywhere. Good luck in your search for whatever it is your looking for.



  3. I agree, share your experience and the shop, others need to know peronsal experiences. I had the same issue with a shop, pm'd the owner and it was taken care of the next morning. sometimes sales people get really busy and just forget and or lose the list. did you f/u a couple days after? why just let it go for 3 weeks?
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