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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. dang, that car is fucking sexy with t-tops!
  2. jesus, how the fuck do you work on that engine?
  3. any pics? I bet the 88GT looked sexy as hell with T-Tops1
  4. it kills me how young some of the soldiers are that gave their lives.... that kid was barely old enough to drink, yet he had a wife and child and has passed...
  5. Microsoft Zune's site is 15 a month for unlimited downloads and then just convert them to MP3's
  6. they made a fiero with t-tops? those 88GT's have always held a special place in my heart... I've never drove one or ridden in it, but I've always thought they were sexy as hell!
  7. I use whatever soap my wife buys and as far as Calogne my wife loves Adidas for men, so that's what I wear.
  8. surprisingly not too long ago, my wife and I went to a CBJ game, and where we parked at was across the rail road tracks... 3 guys had us blocked from going towards the public, and the train had us blocked the other direction.... luckily we didn't have a confrontation but I can tell you that we were both worried and the fact that I can defend myself and have a blackbelt doesn't mean squat when you are outnumbered by that many people.... especially when I have to also ensure the safety of my wife.... there is no equalizer like me having a firearm.
  9. I can't believe I turned 85 today! man, I feel old
  10. that outback is fucking tits!
  11. LMAO, the 3rd day facebook post rocks!
  12. congrats man... you made the right choice getting a Nikon!
  13. those 4.3's will run forever... I had 388k miles on mine before the steering column actually broke driving down the road. (I was not driving it at the time a buddy was)
  14. I agree this is long over due... And it's more for the restaurants like Applebee's, TGI Fridays, or pretty much every restaurant that serves booze. Post a sign if you don't want carry in your restaurant.... then I know to avoid it.
  15. I have that same site and love it!
  16. people that are arguing about helmet laws are probably the same people arguing about smoking laws or seat belt laws. I completely agree with these laws... the reason for it is simple.... some people are too stupid to realize that helmets / seatbelts save lives.... end of story... you can't argue facts. Do people still die wearing either? sure.... do these sometimes take lives.... ummm sure.... but they by far save more than they take. regardless of your life being taken because you don't want to wear one, think about the other person that you might hit, (or they might accidentally hit you) think about how messed up their lives will be because you either get ejected from your car, or your brains are splattered all over their windshield.... And just think about your family.... I know that I want to see my children get married, have grand children, etc... and I want to grow old with my wife... to me that's worth having a law that is just plain common sense... now helmets on bicycles.... I think that might be going too far.... do I have my daughter wear one? sure....
  17. +1 btw, nice purchase... so far I've been very impressed with my highpoint purchase as well.
  18. can someone copy and paste.... it was blocked here at work... is this NWS?
  19. where at off of 229? I live not too far from 229 but I'm in Marengo.
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