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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. dang dude, where do you live that you can shoot off your back porch?
  2. LOL! All this talk makes me want to go to the range!
  3. dude, I already said I would not use my 15-22 or my 10-22 for home defense...
  4. smokin5s


    ehhh was boring after a minute... the kid obviously just needs some education...
  5. Scott, WTF are you guys supposed to do for past time? I'm so sick of PC bullshit!
  6. NVM, I spoke with an ex-marine that's on my team and he explained to me what my question was.
  7. What Scott said... although, I'd imagine if you unloaded the entire magazine of 25 into someone, they will be just a big bloody spot on your walls and floor. I will say though that it looks just like an AR-15 so you definately have the fear factor if someone sees you walking out of your bedroom with that thing. (especially if you trick it all out with a front tactical grip, a big scope, etc...) I just have a better comfort with grabbing one of my larger firearms if I'm defending my family as opposed to grabbing a .22LR. Although I will admit, the accuracy seems pretty good on it, so if there are multiple attackers, it might actually be a better choice given my LCP has 6 rounds, my Ruger has 12, my 12ga 5, etc.... so I have 2-4x as many opportunities to put them down given that I have that much more ammo sitting in my magazine.
  8. I wish all of that wasn't greek to me, but I fail.
  9. I'm listening All I have on it right now is a 4x scope
  10. ok, so I now own a 10-22 and a 15-22 and I can say that both are great guns, but I had a blast shooting the 15-22 today. It's obviously not a defensive gun, but if you want to have all the toys of an AR but none of the huge cost for shooting, then this would be your gun. If you're looking for home defense, I would suggest getting yourself a nice semi-auto pistol and a safe to mount on your night stand in case an intruder comes in (or a 12ga if that would meet your needs better)
  11. I know what the specs are I was more wanting to know what he wanted for it, if he had extra mags, etc...
  12. so I'm seriously considering both.... or an AR if the price is right.... what do you have?
  13. so if he had a CCW, I am failing to see what he did wrong. (assuming he was not on the airport property) I remember as a kid, we would go to the airport to see airforce one as well as I remember going to the airport to see the concord back when it was still in service.
  14. KBB's private party value is 6,695 so if they are going to give you 6,200 for trade in, you might be better off taking that instead of dealing with the headache of trying to sell it for an extra couple hundy... just my .02
  15. the guy is pretty stupid is he brought a firearm to an airport.... Rule 1 of CCW, don't carry at an airport or federal building.... (I'm aware rule 1 is always keep firearm pointed in a safe direction, I'm just saying dude is stupid for carrying at an airport)
  16. a co-worker of mine shot my P22 the other day and loves it for a "plinker" He is trying to avoid buying new, so wanted me to post seeing if anyone has one or a similar 22LR Semi-Auto. I think he's wanting to stay under 200.
  17. the only person that is worried about it being a gift is Joe as far as I can tell
  18. dude, that's expensive BTW, nice purchase! That car is beautiful!
  19. wait for the guy to get out of the blazer and run him over with said jeep
  20. if you are looking for a kennel, go to red barn bed and biscuit.... best kennel around!
  21. dude, WOW is not a digital line, tell your help desk they are fucking retarded. If you can plug a fax machine to your home phone line (which you can) you can hook up your modem. When I was in Blacklick, I had WOW and used my modem all the time.
  22. I paid cash so I had no bank to do an appraisal
  23. I think my next purchase will be a glock.... my P95 jams way too much when feeding it cheap ammo so I don't feel as comfortable with using it as my home defense in case it will take too long to get my 12 gauge out **Edit, I stripped it down and cleaned it real good and now it doesn't appear to be jamming anymore... hopefully that is the end of my jamming problems since I actually like the way my P95 feels in my hands better than the Glock I fired yesterday.
  24. My coworker is getting ready to go for his ccw and he wants an ankle holster. I've been trying to talk him out of it because that seems more difficult to accesss if he would actually need it.
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