My dog had a very large "round tumor" grow on her side pop up about 2 months ago. We have it removed and we notice she has issues breathing.... we take her back in and we find that she has 5 tumors about an inch in diameter on her lungs and diaphram. 2 months ago when they searched her for them the one her her side was the only one that was found.
now we are noticing her having alot of difficulty breathing and she's constantly getting up and moving around.
everything that we looked up on round tumors was that they grow slowly and typically stick to one area.... so my question is, has anyone deal with lung cancer and if so what should we expect? And, is this getting bad so quickly typical? Litterally 2 months ago, she was out running in the back yard with my and my daughter while we played ball..
PS Watching your pet die slowly sucks!