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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. you can connect it to iTunes and just look for updates.
  2. How does everyone like their iTouch? so far, I've been disappointed in it... GPS only works if you are in a wireless hotspot and it seems like most apps don't work unless you are connected to a wireless hotspot which I'm surprised unless I'm at Easton or somewhere, there really is a limited connectivity. the iPhone seems to be much better in this regard. What fixes does .02 fix that .01 has?
  3. does it work for the iTouch as well?
  4. said on the video that the price will be north of 35k... at what point does that price worth the less gas consumption?
  5. I think I read that he died from pnemonia which is scary since my dad has it and he's taken that 10 day antibiotic treatment and it's still holding on.
  6. so are you saying God is a person? sorry, I read that and had to throw that in... just to stay on topic, I think the shooter should have the book thrown at him... seriously... if he shot someone out of road rage then fuck him, let bubba give him his dialasys
  7. Anthony, does he do it for our current CEO or the old one? I knew that the old one (like 5 years ago) lived in Bexley, but I wasn't aware that our current CEO did.
  8. right or left handed?
  9. smokin5s

    Stolen Quad on CL

    you have to register to view this, so I doubt that it will grow that large.
  10. smokin5s

    Dog People

    I tried tin foil, didn't do anygood, she just pushed it off the couch and sat down... if I didn't think zapping her was so wrong, I'd get one of those zapper blakets.
  11. I think we have a cheap Sony Super 8 camera sitting in the closet. I'll look when I get home and post details.
  12. smokin5s

    Dog People

    shit, my wife would never allow that dog to be put in a create....
  13. I have a jumper box, jumper cables, a multimeter or whatever you would want. I live in Blacklick. I should be home after 6 tonight if you need to swing by and test something out.
  14. dude, you know you can delete threads that you create right? Honestly, I'm just getting a kick out of how angry I can make you... like I said before, you aren't important enough to me to actually be upset about anything that you say or do.... I suggest you take the same approach And like is stated before, just take whatever car you own... beater or nice, who cares... just take it... no one will see "your" car sitting in a parking lot, and if they do, why put on a persona of something that you are not. If you still detail cars for a living, be proud of doing that... if you aren't proud of it, do something immediate to remidy the situation.
  15. owe me no explination? you mean living in a house for several months getting up every morning like you had to go to work and then coming home after everyone left and sticking me with the bill deserves no response? hmmmm your response right there shows how grown up you've gotten.... and just for the record, I was just talking trash on my last post.... trust me, you aren't important enough for me to hold a grudge. As far as renting a car, why not just borrow your dad's car like you did back in the day... he always had a nice set of wheels.
  16. smokin5s

    Dog People

    it's the memory foam stuff... hell, I'd sleep on it!
  17. smokin5s

    Dog People

    she does... but never lays on it... she prefers the floor to it.
  18. why start telling the truth now dude? besides, you won't have any ex's at the reunion since the girls you dated were several years younger.
  19. ignore the people saying no cover letter... ALWAYS make a cover letter and also follow up with a thank you letter after the interview. I have always done this and every interview that I've ever been on, I've gotten offered the job.
  20. smokin5s

    Dog People

    how long do you need to leave the sheet on there? Like do it for a month and they will stop or are we going to have to do this for the rest of the dogs life?
  21. smokin5s


  22. smokin5s

    Dog People

    She gets up there because she was never condoned to do so before I came around (dog is my wife's dog that she had before I came around) Now we get on her about it because she SHEDS like crazy and I don't want the hair all over the place. I think she also feels that they are more comfortable to lay on than the floor. It has always annoyed me, but is more important right now because we are in the process of selling our house and we don't want dog hair all over the furnature. I have heard about using the pointy mats from a co-worker or mine and he said he had pretty good success with those as well. I might have to stop by Office Depot and pick up a few and cut them to fit.
  23. smokin5s

    Dog People

    do the blanket's have tasers built into them? Maybe a shock colar would do the trick. j/k
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