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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. not to sound like an ass, but there are 3 sides to every story... I'm sure the uncle did uncalled for things, but you know how kids can exaggerate... go find out if there is a camera and see exactly what he did... BUT, regardless, he needs to let his school administration know what happened ASAP regardless.
  2. congrats... the only incentives I get is a steady pay check every other week and 40% off of all Limited Brands products.
  3. give it a couple years man... granteed, there's always some drama when dealing with anyone, but that petty H.S. B.S will go away with age.
  4. never been there so I can't confirm nor deny :-) but I can fart a few times to really set the mood
  5. Ken, I don't know if I agree completely with you... it might not have a river flowing beside it, BUT, there is a certian magic in the air even in Vegas (although I have no idea since I've never been there... it's just what I've heard) I do what to make this memorable for her and myself... That's why I'm coming to you guys for ideas :-)
  6. I have 2 phones prices are OBO http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28810
  7. smokin5s

    96 katana 650

    so what all is wrong with it? can you ride it as is, or does it need work to get running?
  8. people who are too lazy to raise the seat when they go "shy guy" and then piss all over everything and then the person who has a real "emergency" has to spend 10 min's cleaning the damn pot before being able to use it.
  9. wow, it sounds like alot of people really like Gatlinburg... getting away in the woods is nice... I'm trying to decide if that is best or actually go somewhere more "resorty"
  10. ya, I know it's a tight budget, but what can ya do.. That's what I have to work with, so that's what I have to do. I like the idea of maybe a 3 day cruise or something... and make a road trip out of it.. go and see different places and just relax... The Gatlenburg might be a good idea as well... do you have any more info on where you are staying, etc...? Thanks!
  11. neither one of us gamble... we were thinking about vegas... go to the grand canyon, maybe catch a few shows... ride the gondallas... do a few things like that.
  12. I forgot to mention... my budget is about $1,500... needs to be March 26th-30th is the dates that we have off... it can also be through the weekend before and after.
  13. ok, so the old lady and I are looking to go on vacation at the end of March... I'm looking to pop the question either while on vacation or right before hand... so it needs to be somewhere fairly romantic... any ideas on where to go? It being spring break time, I would like to avoid most of those areas. Unfortunately, this is the only time that she can get off of work to go.
  14. was the car wrecked? you said newer paint job and it being only 5-6 years old, I'd assume that it wouldn't need a paint job unless it was wrecked.
  15. smokin5s

    Funny Story

    if it doesn't show her bewbies or growler, I don't care about the pictures.
  16. the motorolla program won't work with these... the only application that will work is P2kCommander... Sean, PM me with where to send the software and drivers to... I have everything that you need to do what you want. :-)
  17. ya, happened in our newer MI home... the woman made me run around the house looking to see if anyone was there several times.
  18. ya, I wear a size 13, so I understand about the big feet... I use it more for walking, but Paula can run on it just fine
  19. I have a buddy who works for H&R block, he's off of Georgisville Rd... if you want his info, let me know.
  20. I have a cheapo treadmill... I want to get something that I can run on... the path is too narrow for my duck toed azz. 50 scoobs and it's yours... gotta find the model number and stuff if you're interested.
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