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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. do you still have the tent? any holes in it? pics? Is this a tent that can be slept in?
  2. I hate to say this, but I agree with Eric boo fucking hoooo working sucks.... but it's alot better than having no money, no place to live, and no food in your belly... time to grow up... coddling time with mommy and daddy are done.
  3. haha! at first I thought it was going in the direction about MAC users being gay... then midgets... hahaha that's great!
  4. I thought I said something to you about that last night when you called about BWTree's
  5. you obviously don't know John very well.... he preferes drinking to humping the wife
  6. DVD Architect works great for what you want... you can get it off of limewire.
  7. deffinately pics of gun... how many times has it been fired?
  8. so if you get old and sick would you want me to just shoot you instead of put you in a hosiptal where you can get the care that you need?
  9. I find a sense of irony on how people who commit horrible crimes themselves pass judgement on other people commiting horrible crimes.
  10. make them make liscense plates or something.... have them sustain themselves!
  11. my only issue is that the dude is retarded
  12. not to me... I care more about my old dog then I do my one sister. I think people are too quick to put an animal down instead of help it.
  13. don't have the animal put down... if you really look at it as part of your family... find out what's wrong with it and get it treated... that simple.... if your parents or sister had kidney failure, you wouldn't take them out back and shoot them.... so why would you with your dog? Now if you don't think of it as part of your family, take it out back, play catch with it.... and then when it's bringing back the ball shoot it between the eyes.
  14. I saw that a VA man was condemned to death tonight http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060720/ap_on_re_us/virginia_execution_2;_ylt=AnEx2SutL9H4uQCNEGSiCStH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA2ZGZwam4yBHNlYwNmYw-- and I was wondering what some of your thoughts were on this. I'm on the fence with the matter... part of me says, they get what they deserve, but the other part says, who's to prove that they actually did it (innocent people comdemned to death... it's happened before I'm sure) or who says that we are any better than they are... we are doing the same thing... and if you don't think that the electric chair hurts than you are crazy... or if you don't think that lethal injection hurts... I understand that they deserve servere punishment.... but... who are we to play god?
  15. How can I get that stupid front page to go away when I log on? it used to be if I logged on with http://www.columbusracing.com/forums then it would bypass it... now it comes up... I hate it and don't want to see it.... how can I get rid of it?
  16. you have to clay bar before using NXT.... as far as not lasting long... I haven't NXT'd it in months and if I wipe the dust off, it still has that deep black.
  17. if it could hit freeway speeds then I'd be all over it! :-D
  18. in between... I was thinking 80's early 90's... like I said, I just want something that looks decent, but if I drop it oh well and I get good gas mileage... I'll mostly use it to put around town like work, and going over to friend's house etc....
  19. I'm thinking about picking up a cheap cruiser bike... with gas prices the way they are... I'd like to get an inexpensive cruising bike... I don't want anything loud... doesn't have to be powerful... just able to haul me around and get good mileage so I can save on gas.
  20. also, just because you don't get compression doesn't mean the head or valves are bent... it could be that you didn't put the belt on right also since you said you did that last night.
  21. off of Waggoner... Woods at Jefferson... (right before the railroad tracks)
  22. honestly, get a claybar and NXT... it rivals Zaino... everyone who's seen my car (when it doesn't have an inch of dust on it) always asks me how I get it to look that good.
  23. these motors are awesome as far as reliability... just don't make much power.
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