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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. smokin5s

    Free fish

    what kind of tank do they have to be in? I've been thinking about getting some fix, so I'm very interested.
  2. I'll do a compression check this weekend... this never started until I replaced the radiator. it could be the t-stat... I might go ahead and replace that also.
  3. I can get you the info on my realtor... he was pretty good.
  4. you'd think you would have learned after the first ticket... I have no pity for someone who gets caught speeding and get a ticket in the same area.
  5. you sure? it seems to keep the car cool for several days... and I can squeeze the lower radiator hose and make the coolant swish around in the resivoir.
  6. my g-f's '01 Malibu got in an accident a week or so ago. I replaced her radiator (with a 3400 series radiator... which seems to be fine although she has a 3100 series motor) but about every 3 days, her car shits out some coolant out of the overflow.... any ideas on what can cause that.... once it's done draining out of the overflow, it's low on coolant and I have to add some.
  7. depends on what engine type... my roomate has a TDI and he beats the shit out of it and it keeps on running... he also gets like 48mpg on average.
  8. I don't know much about boats but for some reason, I thought you could put a smaller impeller on it which would make the boat get up to speed faster, but I think it does limit the top speed.
  9. is the software ledgit? How low is your friend willing to go? I need to get a laptop for my g-f. how long does the battery last?
  10. she deffinately gives me a boner... she just needs to learn to shave the growler
  11. smokin5s

    PC vs MAC

    I never did any video editing until I got into the AMD Athalon xp class.... but I deffinately can see your point.
  12. I find it humorous that you guys are all saying that you want to be in the military not to defend your homeland but to get out of speeding tickets.
  13. John, why not use Limewire and burn it yourself... save 35 dollars
  14. smokin5s

    PC vs MAC

    ya, it's an old flowerpot... they never let us have the newer stuff just to "test" I have an Athalon 64 3600 with the 939 chipset in it... it's not the dual core, but it's a faster 64 processor. replied to your PM
  15. smokin5s

    PC vs MAC

    Ben, I'm not going to even reply about the ignorant comment about MAC's. I admit that I don't know much about them but at least I"m not saying, "only gay people use MAC's.... they take it in the pewper" and stuff like that. true story... as far as the software... hook a brotha up... then I'll compair them. AMD is an Intel based platform... just because it isn't an Intel chip doesn't mean it isn't an equvilant PC. True Story oh, as far as fixing it, I'd love to have you take a look at it but you didn't take the jewb and it's in my office.
  16. 14.7??? where did you get your info from? they are low 14 high 13 second cars stock. I ran a 13.9 when my car was BONE stock.
  17. Like Vince said, they can come with single tip aftermarket exhaust as well as the '97 SS came with a single side exhaust. Are you just upset that his car said import killer on it or was he a tool bag?
  18. smokin5s

    PC vs MAC

    Ben, have them test against an athalon 64 x2... I doubt it's 17% faster... anyways, as far as the comment about the OS being faster, more reliable, etc.... come fix my mac for me then... the stupid thing crashes at least twice a day is slow as donkey balls and the multimedia on it sucks... granted, I'm just using iLife 05 but good lord, I would have figured it would be better... (I pulled some videos off of my camera onto my mac and onto my PC.. I used Vegas Video 6.0 on the PC... the PC was faster at rendering AND had alot better picture quality.) I like my mac... it's fun to put a DVD in it when I"m stuck at work late so i have something to do while packages are rendering, but as far as EVER being better than my PC... not gonna happen. P.S. Joe, please don't argue about MACs again... you make the pro-pc people look bad :-P
  19. +10000 for Goran... Buckeye Auto is a great shop.... he built my buddy's tranny and he beats the hell out of it and it keeps on coming back for more.
  20. haha.... 81 going on 27 :-0
  21. you can take still pictures but they suck so bad i wouldn't want to. I can show you some videos that it's made.
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