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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. 877-Seal-USA.... just did my neighbors and I'm calling tomorrow... charged 75 for his.
  2. get onto ebay... I just bought my g-f a Dell Latitude C600 which is a 850 mhz, 512 ram, Windows XP and Office 2k3 for 130 dollars.... they are work horses... I have the C610 for my personal laptop and it's great for office, browsing the internet, etc... just no games.
  3. Evan, I'm willing to bet it's your equipment... my internet hits the same substation as yours and mine is fine... it's NEVER gone down on me... my cable guide always works, etc.... the key is, (like Joe said) turn off your cable box every night... as far as internet... no clue why it would go down... either your neighbors are fucking with you or something happened to your equipement... and just for the record... you can still have a link light on your WAN connection for your router and that doesn't mean it is working right.
  4. I know this sounds stupid, but my parents just bought some from Krogers and it is really nice.
  5. smokin5s

    Im new

    Glad you made it over here James! See ya in class tomorrow.
  6. looks like you got the same wheels as me... gotta love ZR1's!
  7. I've been trying to talk Alissa into going to see it, but she said she's too old to see cartoons anymore and wants to wait until it comes out on DVD.
  8. are they blown at all? do you still have the box for them?
  9. dude you have to post a price. I'm very interested though... I've wanted a fish tank for a while.
  10. I'm really thinking that there's air in the system.... this all started happening after I replaced the radiator.... (of course she did get in a wreck so who knows what all is messed up as well as who knows how long she drove her car once it got hot)
  11. what kind of mods do you have on the car? my buddy's car had the same problem and it was the opti.... but it was only when it was wet out... once the car dried out, it would stop... I remember back in the day, the old distributers if they got moisture in them, they would do that also... you could just have a leak or crack in your opti causing that... if it happens when the car dries out, i would check plugs and wires, then go to opti if it doesn't fix it.
  12. didn't these cost 40 dollars 3 years ago? non the less, I have th 5.1's and they are awesome speakers!
  13. smokin5s

    New girl

    waiting for the leghumpers
  14. hell no that shit doesn't happen here! what really happens is he sits in his room and plays on the computer.
  15. drinking is in my blood... and I don't require booze to survive nor do i crave it... but i will tell you... when I do drink, I get it done... so the question is, am I just having a good time or am I an alcholic?
  16. I know there's not a metal line going into the jug... it only have a rubber one that goes straight into the radiator. I kinda figured if it had air pockets it would overheat... but it doesn't.... I'll look for the bleeder valve at lunch today and see if I can find it.. I looked when I filled it originally and never found it.
  17. I have tons of guns... I really should be ready for other things... maybe I'll work on that this weekend.
  18. good luck with the tranny... mine went out with 42k miles.
  19. where's the bleeder screws for this car? I figured it had air in it.
  20. do you have any examples of her work? it might help sell this.
  21. smokin5s

    Free fish

    are you selling your 55 gallon tank also?
  22. so where's the pics of them without clothes on?
  23. dude, go to Ohio Mulch, it's on reynoldsburg newalbany rd by broad... it was 42 dollars after tax to fill up the entire bed of my S10.... it was enough to finish my front yard... going to pick up another truck load this weekend for the back.
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