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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. problem is, I don't think it would make it that far... I live with Nate, so I might have him take a look at it since he seems to know his way around GP's. I might take you up on that offer if all else falls through.
  2. wrong, I got pulled over because my Heads up Display displays red and blue onto my windshield... he didn't know that's what it was and pulled me over... he stated that red nor blue can be visible from outside the car because those are emergency vehicle colors... have a nice weekend... err day
  3. :-( I'm going to call the dealership on monday.
  4. I'm shocked that an 11 year old is able to get prego
  5. John, I might be getting ahold of you. as far as service, all service has been done (poorly) but done at the dealership.
  6. the car has 43k on it (42 is when the warranty ran out) it's stock other than a catback. I haven't flushed it or change the filter yet because I've heard bad things about doing that when the tranny is already slipping.
  7. if I could get rid of my GP then I'd be interested :-(
  8. my tranny slips BAD when the car is cold.... once it warms up it isn't that bad but it bucks pretty hard even just letting it move by idle when the car is first started. the car is 1,000 miles out of warrenty. any ideas what it could be other than rebuilding the tranny? I've never driving the car very hard and it's never gotten any neutral drops or anything.
  9. smokin5s

    go bucks

    no shit... let the bewbies free or die! :-P
  10. smokin5s

    go bucks

    WTF happened to my post? Linn, tell that girl she needs to let those fun bags out and stop covering them up!
  11. smokin5s

    Fox vs. Cat

    the thing I'm finding humoris is the cat lovers are all taking about how they would rather take on a large dog than a large cat.... if we're talking about a cheatah or a lion then you're screwed either way, but heck, a large dog doesn't need it's claws (and yes, they can use them... I've gotten torn up by dog claws) to fight against animals... a dog's shere strength if it jumps on you, you're screwed... heck, the cat would be screwed also... the only thing that the cat has in it's favor is that they are smarter and they are fighting for their lives typically against a dog... thus why the dog runs... dogs are stupid and are just toying with the cat... if the cat scratches it, the dog goes, "damn, that hurt... I won't mess with it anymore" but if the dog was fighting for it's life, the cat would be toast... end of story... take a rot whiler and put it against Eric's cat... the cat would loose... those dogs are fast and strong... plus they can take a beating... one of my buddy's has 2 of them and I'll tell you what, that thing scared the daylights out of me... he had me put him in a choke hold to see what the dogs would do and I thought i was going to die, I've never jumped a fence that fast in my life. intelligence: cat > dog fighting ability: dog > cat
  12. smokin5s


    I was sad to see that we had to cancel it... all of us have our excuses.... hopefully next spring we can have a great turnout and people make it to CR's fall event.
  13. smokin5s

    Help with software

    have you gone to Verizon.com?
  14. she looks good as a bruinette... pussy is beaten up, but who cares, I'd still throw her the bone!
  15. I filed a complaint with them a while back... I never got my money back and they never even replied to my complaint... I was out like 80 dollars.
  16. no, go buy it. asking for software in an open forum is a bad mmmmmmmmmmkay
  17. I have an S10 that has just the 2.2 litre in it... if we go slow, i'm sure it could do it.... but we'll need to take more than 2 trips ;-)
  18. an upgraded fan makes all the difference in the world... I paid like 60 dollars for mine and it's huge... but it's worth it's weight in gold.... I never understood people overclocking their processors.... dude, if you have a 939 chipset board, you have 2Ghz FSB.... which already makes your machine fast as hell.... enjoy what you have... no sense in killing the life expectency of the processor because you want to squeeze out 200 more Mhz that you won't even notice.
  19. is it still for sale? what is the size water heater that is typically in new builds? does this still have a warrenty to it?
  20. smokin5s

    Wrc Bred

    383 ci for the win
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24724
  22. smokin5s

    Wrc Bred

    bwahahahahahahaha *gasp gasp* bwahahaha... oh no, I got skewled! O'RLY?? obviously you've never bracket raced in a high HP car.... you try getting consistant times in a car that runs sub 8's or heck, sub 10's.... it takes a lot of skill and practice... going to the track twice a year and turning a 14 second time slip is a lot different than competing... just like I go autocrossing maybe twice a year... do I think it's easy? for me... yes... why? because I'm not competing, I'm just screwing around having fun with it... I don't even take my Z when I autocross... I take my GP. As far as being a narrow minded jerkoff.... I can live with that... can you?
  23. welcome to the club man... it's like having a kid, has it's rewards and it's pains!
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