I don't give a shit what the statistics say... you could be 1 and a million as far as drinking and hurting someone... and I don't give a shit about the people who put on makeup whihle driving... they should get yelled at or something also... the fact is... drinking and driving DOES cause accidents that are sometimes fatal... if you don't agree you are a fucking idiot. drinking and driving is stupid... end of story....
talking on the cell phone, puting on makeup, etc... is also stupid... no one ever argued that... what is being argued about is drinking and driving. it is stupid... if you do drink and drive and think it's ok, let me know next time you drive... I have no problem calling 1-800-GRAB-DUI on your ass and you can see if the police think you are right or wrong.
Alex... shame on you... I used to think you were a really smart guy with a good head on your shoulders... please rethink what you said and don't drink and drive... I know that drinking is fun and all that jazz (believe me, I'm an alcholic) but dude, driving is fucking stupid.