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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I only got 1400 this year, but next year I should be getting back around 5k
  2. Meijer's has them for pretty cheap.. I also saw them at Kroger's for not to bad of a price.
  3. John, I'm interested also, hit me up.
  4. I like it... the Giraffes need to go though. I wounder why they are selling it with all of the furnature still it in. Gov. repossession?
  5. Adam, is the dishwasher one of the washers that you have to hook into your sink?
  6. I don't want to know how you smelled your own ass.
  7. smokin5s


    Brian, your sig is the key code for Contra isn't it?
  8. Dave Gill has always done me well... although my dad sent his Hyandai in for service there and they put in an aftermarket headlight assembly which doesn't work right and they are having a hard time finding a correct OEM part, so maybe they don't use OEM parts.
  9. dang, I really want one.... damn white carpets! people with dogs and white carpets... what's your secret?
  10. no fog lights? How do I retract my bid?
  11. if there is, I'd like to see it.
  12. Tyra Banks makes 50 dollars a minute... that's freaking crazy...
  13. dang dude, if I knew you were interested in a vehicle like that maybe we could have arranged a trade of something since I have one almost identical.
  14. I have 2 telescoping magnets... you can't use that cause it will hit the rotating assembly. I bought a bendable magnet that's about a foot and a half long... hopefully it will help.
  15. I don't know if I'll have a chance to work on it tonight since I have class, but I need to try to find a long flexible magnet to try to get that screw out.
  16. ya, it's wrong, I just had my house appraised and it's saying 30k less than my appraisal value and it's saying that it's about the same less than what it cost to build 5 years ago. On 2nd look, it shows the wrong house… I also looked up my parents, same thing… wrong house.
  17. smokin5s


    too bad they were blurred out....
  18. well fuck, so I get the pan taken care of... everything cleaned out and back on... I go to put the belt tensioner on and the bolt fell and went right into the oil pan... I'm not to happy... either I have rig something up or take the pan back off. I'm thinking maybe a wire coat hanger and a magnet will work...
  19. cool, I'll let you know. I'm gonna try my damnest to get it done tonight, but if not, I can use all the help I can get :-)
  20. System Type : Inspiron 5150 System Ship Date : 9/6/2004 Warranty Status : Out of Warranty odds are, a fan or something went out... it will cost money to replace... I can look at it, PM me and we can discuss my hourly charge.
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