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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. smokin5s

    CO stunners?

    allot of our cars on here can do wheelie's
  2. shouldn't this be in "The Swap Meet"???
  3. please fix the title also.. it's giving me a headache.
  4. what's up man? I'm glad you remembered the website! GET THAT TIRE FIXED! Get ahold of TurboRust for a great hookup on tire prices. PS. Am I gonna have to block CR at the firewall so you don't browse this durring work hours?.... Oh, wait a minute
  5. oh man, a name I haven't seen in a while! Dale, how the hell have you been?
  6. can it be weekend work only and maybe a night or so durring the week?
  7. smokin5s


    Anyone seen him or know how to get ahold of him? I need to get some tires from him. *** nevermind, I got ahold of him.
  8. I voted no... remember, people on here don't really race, we sit in parkinglots and talk about our dyno numbers
  9. hey, just think, it could be more like you're trying to be more like then j/k
  10. what software do they use for their imaging? Does it do profile migration etc...? I'd be interested in doing some night work a few nights a week to get some extra coinage.
  11. there's a saleswoman that works over there that's hawt as hell... I'd almost consider working there just to stare at her all day!
  12. deffinately better than a ricer wing.
  13. my sister is looking for a vehicle to haul her 3 kids in... Anyone have anything for fairly cheap that runs well?
  14. it won't let me post in the SNR member section... it lets me view, but nothing else.
  15. anywhere closer to the eastside? we have some beer to drink!
  16. smokin5s

    Old school names

    How can we change it? I looked and didn't see anything in the profile area **edit nvm... I saw he other post... looks like I lost about 1000 posts.
  17. where in blacklick to you guys live? I'm closing on a house in Jefferson Pond in 2 weeks... if that's the neighborhood then I might reconsider.
  18. my tranny has been acting kinda funny lately... what can you tell me about what happened?
  19. haha.. nah, I still think it's chopped... the way that ditch is angled in order for the nose to pop back up, the car would have had to be airborn and just land like that, which would mean the car had no momentum going forward because if it did, then the whole nose would be fucked up instead of the car looking like nothing is wrecked... besides, look under the car, there would have been torn up grass under the car as well as there would be allot more damage to the grass behind the car if it was going out of control and more grass would have been missing from the nose of the car on impact.... I think photochop is owning all of you
  20. I'm not smoking anything... dude, look at the size of the car then the size of the people... unless this car is a pocket car or something (kinda like those little pocket rocket bikes)... besides no buckle on the fenders or anything and it looks like there's no weight on the wheels... I guess my question for you is what are you smoking? although I have had quite a bit of Jack Daniels tonight...
  21. <div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;width:150px;BORDER: 1px solid;PADDING: 5px;BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffc933; TEXT-ALIGN: left"><div align="center" style="margin-bottom:5px; font-size:12px;" nowrap>I am 9% Metrosexual. http://www.fuali.com/testimage.aspx?img=e82180a0-5db7-4ed2-97af-ffbce007c07e.gif</div>I need some advice. I need to STOP BUYING MY CLOTHS AT WAL-MART!!!! I will never land a decent woman unless I shave this nasty facial hair, and spend more then $5 on a haircut.<div align="center" style="margin-top:5px;" nowrap><a style="font-size:10px;" target="_blank" href="http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=3e1a70da-05d4-4549-8643-ca42ec79376b">Take the Metrosexual Test @ FualiDotCom</a></div></div> and I don't buy my clothes at walmart, I buy them at Meijer damnit!
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