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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I used to have one, mine sneezed also. Deffinately good pets other than the fact that they stink.
  2. it's storming pretty good right now. hopefully it clears.
  3. ok, I'm bored and need to get out of the house... what's going on tonight?
  4. congrats man. ignore all the people that are talking shit. can't wait to see it run faster graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. lata ass! I'm sure you'll be on posting pics to make everyone jealous. PITB for the honeymoon :woot:
  6. smokin5s

    New Lambo

    The roadster also features an integrated roll bar that extends automatically in a few milliseconds in the event of a rollover. The bar extends far enough that the car can rest on the hood and roll bar, to avoid putting any pressure on the windshield. DAYUM! I gotta get me one of these.
  7. haha... or that thing with shit all over it.
  8. their families will be in my prayers.
  9. does it come with everything? bottle heater, etc....? if so, I'll probably take it off ur hands. I know a '04 GP that needs to be sprayed
  10. regardless I'd still fuck those chicks. graemlins/leghump.gif
  11. or maybe the g-f felt a little frisky and decided to leave a little present.
  12. Nate, I'm sick of telling you this.... if you don't have titties and a pussy, I'm not going to that party.
  13. The weather doesn't look promising tonight... where will everyone be? Georo's?
  14. dude, keep the bench seats...
  15. it's not all about what heats up faster... remember, your car runs for a decent amount of time... glass will hold in the heat longer than the plastic intakes that we typically use. I doubt these things are insulated with 2 glass paines as well as a central layer of gas for insulation like our typical house windows are. regardless though.... those look incredibly gay and no way in hell would I put that in my engine bay. Think about how easily that glass would break... then what? ur out that grand or whatever they are charging for it. What kind of warrenty do they offer? Although that would be a good way for the stoners to hide their weed.
  16. http://bluepyramid.org/ia/turk.gif You're Turkey! <font size="3">You have a good deal of history behind you, both good and bad, but through it all, you've become a leader among your friends. You have an uncanny ability to make friends with people who hate each other, though sometimes you just hate them instead. Surprisingly fickle, you keep a good balance in your life between religion and humanism, but most people think you're fanatical anyway. You're Istanbul, you're Constantinople.</font> Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid</font></font></p>
  17. I dunno.... that's why I haven't been out all year... she wouldn't go and would throw a hissy fit if I wasn't with her on friday and saturday night. oh well.. she's gone now... guess it's parking lot time
  18. honestly, I don't see why anyone would bring their lady to sit in a parking lot. on a side note... everyone be affraid, I'm going to start comming out to the CR events again... where in the world are they these days?
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