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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I have a built Moser 9 inch for sale.... $2k
  2. XBOX live sux wanker.... there has to be a different way to connect.... Although playing multi player same team kinda sux cause it's hard.
  3. I did that but for the free laptop instead of iPOD tongue.gif
  4. I want it for the garage if everyone else falls through.
  5. I can remember suffering from that weight bench.... not at much as the gym's though PYRAMIDS OWN J00!
  6. damn, I got owned by the double posting.
  7. ok, I'll tell you the truth about how fast I've gone..... as one of my buddies once said, "1 MPH faster than you" tongue.gif
  8. she deffinately looks thicker than the videos etc... make her look... no matter.... I'd deffinately still do her.
  9. every car has reliable ones and unreliable ones... Honda was just choice that sort of marketing ploy.... the only thing I will say about that is how many early 90's Honda's do you see? then think about how many early 90's DSMs or heck, how about Beretta's.... those things are still a dime a dozen. Any car is reliable as long as it is taken care of properly.
  10. Ok, I have a friend who's looking at a '97 30th camaro... it's in great shape, but I would like to see a carfax on the car... the VIN number is 2G1FP22P5V2144010 Thanks to anyone who can run it smile.gif
  11. doesn't matter man... there's something about a woman in an apron that is just nice. the girl with the huge cans was a little skinny though... my women need to have some meat on their bone... don't wanna feel like I'm hugging myself. don't get me wrong, she was hot as hell, but she needed to gain afew pounds.
  12. Playboy did a Women of Walmart a little while ago..... now here's Women of Home Depot. http://www.cofba.org/users/joshmiller/Pics/web/WOHD/
  13. a civic that can destroy a viper in the 1/4 miles is no longer an economy car..... EVERYTHING has been replaced. They don't drive it on the streets because putting down that much power out of that little motor has made it unreliable as well as gas mileage went through the window. I just had sand in my vag the night of my reply because that little #$FIE drove by and woke me up again and I had to be up early. some catbacks sound ok.... but IMO, they need to keep their stock exhasts on in most cases. oh, and if 5 hp is that noticable.... then it's time to trade your under-hp car in on a car with more power..... or just leave it alone. Sorry to sound like a dick, but if 105 hp is all you're ever going to have and you are not a bike, then the car will never be fast... here's a word of advice... put suspension on the car instead of a fart canister.... make the car good at auto-x. a little car like that would do great at that.
  14. +1,000 The movie was pretty good.... some of the scenes kinda pissed me off though cause they aren't realistic (I know, sci-fi's aren't realistic) but a HUGE bus going 125 mph and turning sideways without flipping just pissed me off.... all in all, I'll probably rent it and watch it again once it comes out on DVD.
  15. no it's black and it sounds like shit. I don't care what kind of car it is... a far can sounds like shit.... especially on an import... sorry if I sound like a dick, but economy cars are NOT sports cars smile.gif
  16. 65 on both of my cars.... as far as times are concerned... no clue.... havne't gotten it tuned right to even take it to the track.
  17. I have a set of 26# injectors that will work in that 4.6.... let me know what you think.
  18. IPS does... they did a pretty good job for me.
  19. I'm putting in a new clutch and I need an extra set of hands.. the tranny is already out, but lifting it back in is a nightmare if you wanna help
  20. you just have some toxins in your body.... drink water and you'll be fine. if it burns or anything, then you might have a UTI. If so, drink allot of craneberry juice and if doesn't clear up in a few days, go see a doctor. BTW, Just because you are a virgin doesn't mean that you can't get an STD.
  21. smokin5s


    Ok, first off, this is not a ricer flaming thread so lets try to keep it away from that. Tonight, a few friends and I were talking and we can't figure this out.... How do people think that mellon throwing mufflers sound good? I mean, when people sing like shit, we don't give them a microphone tongue.gif . I understand how v-8's with loud exhast sounds good, but that high pitched buzzing sound just sounds stupid to me. Especially Tercel's that think they are race cars (you know who you are) Can someone shed some insight on why in the world someone would put that on their car? I know for HP, but it will only give you MAX 5 hp which isn't noticable enough to really concern yourself with. It is posible to make mufflers that don't sound like that that can perform just as well anyways, so why make them sound like that? People that have them, do you like the way your car sounds? Why?
  22. +1 dang, I sold a set of brand new Comp Cam lifters about a month ago... too bad it didn't have the problem earlier... I could have given you a hell of a deal. Also, just a thought... are you sure you are setting the valve lash properly on your car? I had that problem when I put my first cam in... those stock stamped rockers are a pain in the butt to get set right. Now would be a good time to upgrade to some Crane Gold 1.6 self aligning rockers when you get the new lifters.... a little extra power and allot easier installation
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