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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Anyone want to help install a clutch? Unfortunately that beast is too damn heavy to lift by myself. Beer and Pizza in it for whoever helps.
  2. don't have that much money
  3. don't have that much money
  4. I thought this was funny... check it out. http://kintera.sitestream.com/ferrell_qt_hi.mov
  5. if it's an LT1 then a ratchet should work... that what I used.
  6. if I was the teacher of any of those students... I would just resign because at that point I would feel like I failed as a teacher.... After I beat the ever living shit out of the kids, I'd tear up my resignation letter because I would feel better. (it's 5am... I'm not even making sense to myself right now tongue.gif )
  7. LMAO... hahaha Dave, you're crack'in me up! Dude, I sure hope that she doesn't have a CR acct... or know anyone on CR. Like everyone has said, women like confidence. IMO, you're waaaay too into a chick you've taken out once. If she doesn't like you, it's better to find out now then to have wasted time playing games. Honestly, I'd wait for her to call you and just go on about your life.... gotta let her chase you.
  8. and yet another reason why I will never move to Grove Tucky.
  9. What kind of cam did you put in it?
  10. email me with pics please smile.gif
  11. email me with pics please smile.gif
  12. I found a picture of TJ http://www.cofba.org/users/joshmiller/Pics/web/OWN3D/pisstankoldman.jpg
  13. Hey Nate! http://www.cofba.org/users/joshmiller/Pics/web/OWN3D/fb778cef.jpg I saw you at the Jaz and Rib festival a few weeks ago. I knew this picture was gonna come back to haunt you.. http://www.cofba.org/users/joshmiller/Pics/web/OWN3D/117-whatthe.jpg
  14. http://www.producttestpanel.com/dell/index.php?lid=dellntbk-addrive_315&p=dellntbk
  15. maybe if the webpage was www.anti-ohio3si.org
  16. you jealous that I'm bald and can still get laid? You have a full head of hair.... what's your excuse? We all know your mom is easy... here, this might help http://www.cofba.org/users/joshmiller/nate.JPG
  17. I'll verify it when I get it... if not, I'll raise hell til I do... although an iPOD would be cool as well.... how do I verified that I'm verified?
  18. same thing except they were offering a Dell Laptop instead... I was like... hmmmmmmmm ok, why not.... we'll see if we actually recieve the merchandise or not.
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