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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. was pretty funny when the hot chick at the end was looking at her co-worker like wtf? I know that look all too well, my wife gives it to my daily.
  2. Ha, I won't turn down anyone who wants to take my 17 year old off my hands... just he can't give her back!
  3. I use Ooma as well as my entire family. I have been using Ooma for 4-5 years now, I honestly don't understand why anyone would choose anything else... Ooma is AWESOME!! Seriously crystal clear calling, Always works, and all you pay for after the first year is taxes which are like 3 bucks a month.... it's a no brainer.... the only thing I will say is the dial tone is weird so my house alarm won't work with it. Seriously, go get it, to hell with the other options, Ooma is the best!
  4. ya, these things are awesome... when you come down to 50 bucks, let me know
  5. agreed... although I'm not saying that I wouldn't check out those mellons
  6. the top of our popup camper appears to have started to cave in from the ice and heavy snow over the winter. I already started yanking out part of the moldy roof since there is now mold EVERYWHERE. Does anyone have any advice on how to repair the ceiling in this beast? the cabinets and everything seem to be in good shape, but most of the roof will need to be yanked out or re-enforced and new panels put back in. Any help would be appreciated. Cheaper the better. I was thinking about using the back splash that you can buy for showers for the internal ceiling, but I will need to get the mold out of the roof insulation as well as find a way to fix it from being caved in. someone mentioned to me about purchasing a kit that is normally used to mount a ceiling A/C with but I did not see that anywhere.
  7. I'm a pretty good shot, I will say that I would find it humorous in a sick way if he shit on her luffa though LOL
  8. I am jealous! We just got back from Myrtle Beach last night and I've been trying to convince the wife to move to SC.... so far she's not biting and she loves beaches, etc...
  9. I did buy it through amazon...
  10. wish you would have put this up 2 weeks ago, would have saved me a few bucks
  11. smokin5s

    A/C Help

    woot woot! love the easy fixes!
  12. that looks like so much fun... too bad it's probably some serious coin and I have 2 left feet
  13. Does anyone know of an affordable insurance that could either partner with my current insurance or replace it? I work for a FORTUNE 91 COMPANY... that's right, FORTUNE 91, and just ONE of my wife's perscriptions, 700 dollars a month!!!! how the hell does a company so large do this to their employees? I took a large pay cut for a better lifestyle coming to this company and now here I am can't even afford perscriptions for my family!!!! Any ideas on perscriptions or insurance please let me know ASAP, she only has about a week left of pills and I'm less than a week left on my pills.....
  14. look in morrow county, it's not much farther than delaware and you get a better bang for the buck.
  15. 6 volt or converted to 12 volt?
  16. Brian, all I have to say is that I have alot of guns...
  17. I am willing to give you my first born for this car... she's almost 17 and works.... she's got a mouth problem and is lazy, but I think it's a fair trade...
  18. I'm sure someone from CR would be willing to help... if my work schedule wasn't so crazy right now I would be more than willing to help you
  19. If I wanted to kill myself I would club up your ego and jump down to your iq
  20. if you've ever been up there, I honestly don't know how you could maintain any lane for very long if you want to make that left turn....
  21. well said... I can't seem to stress this enough, she didn't make an illegal turn.... you CAN turn on red (and that's assuming that she lied to me since she said the light was green), so that "warning" that he said was either just something he wrote on the ticket but didn't say something to her because he needed a "reason" to pull her over since he can't pull someone over for improper seatbelt, or nonsense in the first place. Obviously her being my wife, I ride with her from time to time and I know she never turns on red anyways because she's petrified about turn signal cameras. BTW, she does have a clean driving record.
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