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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Lenovo is a good brand..... (used to be the stinkpads which I never had bad luck with) Dell also makes a good machine as well as hp/compaq anything else id stay away from.
  2. Gotta talk to the wife, these look nice and would go well with our "theatre" room that *cough hasn't been built yet *cough
  3. ignorance is bliss... he's a good vet, it's not up to you to dispute, you don't know him nor have ever had anything done by him so you have no idea what you're talking about end of story.... it's pretty sad when a good vet gets looked down upon because he's not trying to rip people off.
  4. it's location... Prothman is an AWESOME vet and he really cares about the animals... I talked to him one time about price and he said he saw no reason to rip people off. Mt Gilead is a small town. Don't have any worries about prothman, he will take care of your dog. We have taken all of our dogs to him for years!
  5. my wife has 2 college degrees... so her earning potential should be higher than mine... just saying that she's female is stupid IMO... or just because I work harder than her and have excelled in my carrier while she has not, doesn't mean that I now owe her anything.... at some point women should have to fend for themselves... I can tell you in my marriage at least, all of our nice stuff has been purchased by me because I work hard, put in long hours at work and provide it... that shouldn't continue if we are no longer married. At that point, if she wants nice things, she can go get it herself. I get the splitting assets that you aquire while married down the middle, but that's it. Our legal system is so one sided it isn't funny.
  6. 1,800???? good lord, either you make a shit ton more than me, or you're living with your parents or siblings because you can't afford to pay a mortgage anymore. I couldn't imaging being forced to pay 1,800 a month to an ex.
  7. When I spoke with a lawyer about the big D a while back, I was told, I would be paying child support even if we split things right down the middle as far as time. I understand that raising a child takes money, but if I'm raising the child half the time and she's raising the other, she's responsible for her time as am I and we can work together on school / sports costs... as far as the used to joint money at 140k, what about the guy, he's used to that salary as well.... and now he's not only taking her 50k loss, but he's taking more of a loss because he has to cover her "loss" that hardly seems fair or right in any way.
  8. Dr James Prothman, he's in Mt Gilead, but he's the cheapest around and he really cares about the animals he works on. his vet is called Village Vet
  9. dude, it is horseshit... she isn't going to be on the streets making 50k a year.... like Chris Rock said, where's the pussy payments? Alimony is complete horse shit just like if you have split custody right down the middle, why should the guy still have to pay child support? it's completely one sided and bullshit.
  10. Nneds price per rules
  11. I mighrt be interested in the bike, I have to see if I can return the bike we purchased since even on the shortest setting, my wife still has issues reaching the pedels
  12. at an additional cost.... I have a 4 bedroom home, plus great room, plus basement, plus man cave / shop / barn.... cost me a fortune to have cable in all those rooms where, I have 1 HD-DVR and the rest analogue with Time Warner.... the problem is, Time Warner is just on the edge of being better financially... give them 6 months and they will cost more and I'll switch.
  13. I've been thinking about going to Direct myself, but only being able to have 4 tv's hooked up as well as 2 year contracts have kept me at bay so far.
  14. if I can't get the wifey to get her tubes tied, this might be the route I go with.
  15. laser? How in the world would this be done without needle or knife?
  16. I got bored after a minute of the video... I did purchase one of those bulb changers but have never used it, I have a 16 foot A-frame ladder and just use that instead.
  17. F-it pre-registered... Hell 300 dollars and free Internet for 7 years... Sounds good to me! I would even consider the tv package depending on how many tvs I get to run at a time.
  18. Baine sounded too much like Sean Connery which annoyed the he'll out of me.
  19. Scott post what you'd buy on a budget :-)
  20. did you try radio shack?
  21. looks like Vances has an M&P for 719... any one know if it's any good? I'm thinking I should probably pick one up before they get outlawed since there's been so much press about them since the Col incident...
  22. They should have identified who they were when knocking... seriously what did they expect knocking on someone's door at 1:30am. I can tell you I answer the door with a weapon if someone knocks at 1:30... I'm going to assume they are up to no good.
  23. I just emailed our company rep, I can't remember my rider number. I'll get it to you as soon as I get a reply.
  24. from the looks of your house, I think I should have gone into banking instead of IT!
  25. WTF????? I don't get why they didn't even try to fight back!
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