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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. the permit required is the same as you would need for a shed.... I paid .10 a sq foot. I also used Yoder Lumber for mine. Metal exterior is the way to go, but insulate the hell out of it!
  2. holy fuck, these are the best videos on this thread!
  3. you sure yours isn't kerosene and not propane? my propane torpedo heater when on high freezes the tank in about 30 minutes and then the tank is toast until it thaws..... kerosene on the other hand will run for hours
  4. let me talk to the wife, she never rides hers
  5. I'm not overly impressed with the accuracy of my LCP
  6. What kind of price? I got a remote car starter for my wife last year and I paid around 200 for it. The smart phone app has me intregued
  7. Anyone have the hookup on a good place to get a remote car starters? I'm thinking about getting one installed
  8. By law all schools are gun free zones.... see it works well, law abiding people don't carry which makes it open game for the crazies!
  9. I just PM'd you the details on mine... I lost your number somehow so send it again and I'll text you a pic if that would be helpful.
  10. I need to go through some boxes and see if I still have mine. it was one of those fancy leather case ones. I will PM you in a bit and let you know if I find it.
  11. the news caster is fucking HOT.... I'd eat the corn out of her pewp.
  12. no shit man, it's even worse for me now that I work in Dublin.
  13. That means my drive home just got a fucking lot longer
  14. I would avoid century link unless you like contracts
  15. jail time or anything for that matter is clear bullshit and the judge that ordered it should step down... being a dick as well as freedom of speech is not a crime. At what point does it go to.... I'm sure everyone on this board has at one time, imitated someone else.... so should adam sandler go to bed for the movie "water boy"?
  16. well that stinks. I don't know much about how insurance even works other than, I thought my insurance sucked before, and now at my new employer my old plan looked amazing.
  17. yes it is eligible... which plan did you select?
  18. I was thinking, what about suplimental insurance?
  19. that's a cool site, but it seems like most of their options for family are really expensive, or don't cover pills other than generic, high deductables, etc...
  20. I recently changed jobs and the health insurance at my new company isn't that great, I know there are insurance companies out there that will help pick up some of the slack that primary health insurance misses... anyone know of a good company and what to watch out for? Any info is appreciated.
  21. 20 degrees and getting colder bump...
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