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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. This is a very important question.... please answer so we know how to proceed.
  2. I will be looking into the Xoom if I can talk the wife into letting me shell out 600 scoobs...
  3. dude, if it's going to sit most of the time, and you'll pull it out once in a blue moon and shoot it, I would go HiPoint... I'm sure all the haters will come out, but my 45ACP is still my favorite pistol, I rarely clean it and it just fires... it's incredibly accurate and just is a no-nonsense weapon... and when you fire it, you know you're firing a gun cause it's heavy and backs itself up.
  4. I just have one built into my fridge... We used to have one on our sink faucet, but never really saw a difference.. Good luck and as stated above don't lease a unit
  5. I think it's awesome... the sooner we get rid of that nonsense the sooner we can evolve as a scioety.
  6. would love to know this answer as well
  7. I think John's is running Windows CE and not Android... there were 2 different versions of the Archos 7 that came out.
  8. heard it's supposed to be bad ass but no keyboard.
  9. I grew up in Gahanna and that place was yuppie as fuck.... I never had to worry about anything like this... I don't know what the comments about hearing of crimes on the east side all time growing up, unless maybe you meant whitehall which then I'll agree with you, but Gahanna? hell no, that place never really had issues until I would say Northland got shut down.
  10. I have 2 and the older one (step child) was allowed to do anything she wanted and was never punished.... which did no good... I remember her kicking my wife in the back while carrying something down stairs because she didn't want it removed from her room... but you're right kids should be allowed to express themselves and never learn there is consiquences to their actions. Funny how my parents raised us with dicilpline and respect... guess what, I have a good job, and a viable member of scioety and have never stollen or hurt anyone (granted I'm very angry, but that's a whole different issue) Bullshit on most of everything you said... Tim, as a person I really like you, but your parenting skills are lacking if this is what your thought process is. You Teach your child respect end of story... this earning bullshit is exactly that... you are their parents, they will respect you and in turn learn how to respect other authoritative people. Your thought process of teaching respect with fear is nonsense.... I don't fear my parents at all, but I also knew if I disrespected them or anyone else, there was consiquences to my actions. exactly my point! werd.... again Tim, I really like you as a person, but you're way off my friend. Kids need boundaries... How do you teach a child boundaries? not by putting them in the corner... that is laziness as a parent IMO... the hardest thing I've ever had to do is spank... no good parent enjoys it, but knows it's necissary... and if you do it properly and explain to the child why and that there is concequences for their actions then you won't have to do it many times to get your point across. I've said it once and I'll say it again, kids are dumb animals... and yes I said animals... like was said before, we are all animals.
  11. Some of you people need to go hug a fucking tree... Nothing that woman did was over the line, she was teaching him what a jail cell felt like... When he broke the rules she took it a step farther to control him, tell me how different that is than solitary confinement? Because of all the hippies is why my kids teachers teach them to call 911 when spanked and no wonder most of our youth is fucking disrespectful... We need to go back to people butting the fuck out and then just maybe our youth wouldn't be so god damn lazy. Btw Greg you are full of shit when it comes to spanking.... At a young age kids are like dumb animals for the lack of a better term, they learn to not touch a hot stove cause owe that burnt... I won't touch that again. Not because they were put in a corner or sent to their room where they had every toy known to Man... I still remember my dad making me go pick out switches for a spanking or him dropping my draws and beating my ass no matter who was around, all it took was a few times of that and I was "yes sir"
  12. I bought mine from walmart, cost about 200 dollars
  13. all florecent lights except in the track lighting.... and surprisingly enough, I keep all of the PC's turned off in the house and they get used very rarely unless my daughter uses one, but I make sure she turns it off once she's done. I use my iPad for most of my web browsing.
  14. you guys are only seeing a small portion of what happened... you have NO IDEA what happened up to this point.... he was fleeing, but what else did he do? A group of cops aren't going to just hit someone with a car and then beat the shit out of him unles he did something very bad to deserve it.
  15. Forgot to talk to the wife and she out cold... I'll let u know tomorrow
  16. how do you change that setting? we do have a wood burning fireplace, but I have not purchased any actual wood for it, I keep on using those 4 hour logs which honestly don't put out any heat. my old house in Blacklick was 2,400 sq feet as well (including the finished basement) and my gas and electric bill combined wasn't even close to this... I remember my electric being like 30 a month in the winter with gas being maybe 160'ish... Maybe I'm expecting too much... but I don't think I should be paying this much or have the heater running so often (it seriously didn't turn off from 3am to 8am this morning and never actually hit 67)
  17. keep in mind the house is really 2,400 sq feet with a 2,400 sq fot basement.... we do keep the vents open down there, but we have not finished it off yet. as far as who does the efficiency rating, they have a 3rd party come in and do it... no idea how they do it though.
  18. you would think since I even have a certificate showing it's an energy efficient house and what the readings are that it would retain the heat better... I guess the house being 4,800 sq feet that I shouldn't complain but good lord, that's a high bill... and if they try to tell me that something isn't wrong, we keep out heat set at 67 and I just checked the thermostat, it's reading 65 in the house and I keep another temp gauge by it just to monitor it and it's reading 64... I'm calling and bitching in the AM! http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/2011-02-03_03-41-26_831.jpg?t=1296724461 so I guess another question is, what could be wrong with the furnace since the builder keeps on saying there's nothing wrong with it... am I able to hire a different HVAC person and then bill the builder?
  19. no, just electric... I have a ranch which is 24xx on the ground floor and 24xx in the basement. I thought about doing that to the windows, but, I put my hand on the windows and there is ZERO draft coming from the windows and the glass isn't cold... BUT the sliding glass door has all sorts of draftiness about it so I thought about doing it just to the sliding glass door... but with that being said, we have blindes on all of our windows and when we leave the blindes not cracked, it will get mold on them and the builder said that was because there is condensation build up, but no air flow to keep it from molding, so I'm not sure that putting that plastic on the windows is really a good idea. I do have a wood burning fire place and my neighbor said because I don't have those glass doors on it, that could cause an issue so I thought about going out and picking up a set of glass doors for the fire place in hopes that it will help.
  20. I have one in our garage that is full size with water and ice and has remained empty for 4 months... I'll talk to the wife and let u know
  21. So I have a brand new 5 star energy efficient house with a 99% efficient electric heater. But this thing runs ALL the time.. Any ideas on how to get my house to retain heat better or y it's losing it? Also is it normal for the heater to run that much and blow cold air? The hvac guys said it is but I have a hard time believing it. Help.. My electric bill is 340 this month and I can't keep up with these crazy bills
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