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Posts posted by caseyctsv

  1. I put a catted Y on for the visual but I think the cats were hollowed out anyway.


    The guy heard my car pull in and he laughed, I just said "test the dam car" and he smirked. He about fell over when the screen showed "test passed, Fee $19.50" so he ran it again to the same result.


    I know quite a few tricks if they go back to the same or a similar system. It's actually pretty easy to get by with a passing result.


    If it comes to that I will call ya!

  2. Here you go Casey,http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-WHITE-CHEVY-CHEVETTE-YES-ITS-A-CHEVETTE_W0QQitemZ230145057978QQihZ013QQcategoryZ6173QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem



    Classic - you know things are bad when your 1983 Chevette is repo'd.



    "Be the envy of all your friends in this one!"

  3. Do something different. Chevette :thumbup: Lightweight, convert to RWD, .



    Chevettes are RWD - good luck finding one that is still in 1 piece.


    I like the idea though - put a big cube motor in it. We could have a nitrous bottle but just use it for negotiation like that one competitor did. Oh OK have it your way we will run it all on motor but we did not tune it for that so we will need 6 cars.


    As much as I hate to watch it - sandbagging is key.

  4. What a sight.. I saw (I think it was you Leilani) taking some pics.. do you have any you can post??


    That was Brian's (V8 Beast) wife. He probably has pics but I think he said they did not come out well. I tried to take video but taking video while driving is not a good idea mmm kay?

  5. I knew I had seen their name and pics of the orange 4th gen there. Awesome car. The 1st gen was unbelievable as well.


    In 2 of the races the 4th gen started 2 car BEHIND the finish line and gave the 1st gen 4 cars in front of the line - 6 cars total.


    All of the 5 races were close.


    Pinks is a great idea but they do a crappy job of putting cars that are close in performance. It always seems that 1 of the cars is 2 seconds or more faster in the 1/4. Makes for crazy negotiations and rediculous sandbagging.

  6. I don't know when this was since I recorded it on DVR but did anyone else see the episode of Pinks with the 2 Tosto brothers? It was by far the best one I have ever seen.


    No broken cars.


    No freakin sandbagging.


    No BS.


    It was all out for 5 races. 1st gen F-body vs 4th gen. The 4th gen is / was the fastest 6 speed LS1-based car car in the US. I assume that is on nitrous. These races were all motor. I know I was entertained.

  7. this should answer that inless he changed his mind.


    How does that answer the question? I know they intend to make them in reverse to go on the inside of the window. I was wondering if they could also be made the other way. I would think there are a lot of cars on here with tinted windows. The sticker will not show up well if placed on the inside. Just a thought.

  8. Eh, don't feel bad. I rolled up there, and literally right infront of the dealership, I broke the roll pin that connects my shift fork to my shift assembly. But, I got a tow back to Columbus and got it fixed after about 6 hours of fucking around with it....


    Yeah that had to suck! We should have just pushed it into the show for a bit!

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