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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. You must have gone to Columbus Public Schools. Clearly you do not know how to use the "greater than" or "less than sign". I keep waiting for Nitrousbird to step in and defend the LT1
  2. And that your honor is when I through her ass out the window....
  3. Did you watch the speedometer. Time it - it is far from slow. I just think it pulls so smoothly it doesn't have that violent surge you are used to seeing.
  4. Car porn http://videos.streetfire.net/video/wm/b42ee0e2-9536-498c-97be-7965c84b8455.htm
  5. Wow 0- I was wondering how I could get a turbo under my hood - now I know there are other options!
  6. Fulgulrite? That is lightening hitting sand - not sure if there is something else when it hits a tree?
  7. caseyctsv


    Don't count Oden out of college yet. Conley said yesterday in an interview that he was definitely coming back next year. Oden said in an interview last week he would not leave college until he could dominate at the next level. He does not want to sit on the bench until he is ready. Clearly Oden is not ready to dominate the NBA. If Conley stands by his word and returns I can see Oden following suit. If he does next year will be a lot of fun!
  8. caseyctsv


    I am glad we have another shot at them but I am not sure if Buckeye Nation can handle another loss to the Gators in a year. I think they will be ready. This team seems to have something special.
  9. Nice pics of the car....he is hiding something
  10. http://www.ls1sounds.com
  11. http://www.machovideo.com/videos.php?article=3591
  12. caseyctsv

    Black TTZ06

    This post accomplished a lot. Here before the 15 page thread is locked
  13. Didn't happen. Mustangs do not lose. He must have cheated. Maybe he had a Ford 5.0 swap in place of the TTV6?
  14. Lightly wrecked?? I love Audi A4s. I know nothing about repairing a wrecked car. I am sure it will be very nice when you are done!
  15. I read somewhere it was not going to be there for some reason.
  16. Kevin's photoshopping skills are top notch entertainment.
  17. Does that involve fixing Cofba's website? lol
  18. Man your car would look so much better if it were lowered. (oh that's right you can't because your TD set up will scratch a trail in the road we can all follow.);-)
  19. Outside the car I don't feel there is any comparison TD > *. Inside the car it is a completely different story. A car with the TDs dumped before the axle rattles everything inside the car. Way too loud inside. My car is very quiet on the inside. I di have problems with rasp from 2000-2300 RPMs but I can deal with that for it to at least be sane inside the car.
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