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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Here's a video of the white LS1 at the track 0- does not show the times unforunately. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/93b73645-f6d2-406b-9f26-9884012e99c8.htm
  2. This may be a repost but I have not seen it here. The Datsun is pretty nasty. Apparently, per the other oposts, the Datsun runs a sub 5 second 1/8th. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/a4676cc1-64d8-4917-b8fa-988200a7c2d7.htm
  3. Note to self.....never do any custom work yourself and post pics on the internet. That is freakin funny though.
  4. That's great. "I am going to cut educations"
  5. lol. I would think you could put the 5.3 LS1 - not sure what the code is on it - that they offer in the GXP. Forget the change to rear drive - not going to happen
  6. Not going to take the bait....
  7. Oh and I have all of my teeth and do not have a mullet.
  8. I can assure you I think it is hideous. Sarcasm does not rtead well on the internet apparently.
  9. Check out this vid of a 402 C5 vs a 911 TT. http://media.putfile.com/Autobahn-5
  10. http://pathogenproductions.vidiac.com/video/97bd5b22-d170-47bb-a339-98e0011840c6.htm
  11. Sexy! http://www.harrop.com.au/site_resources/544/616/pdf_version/Hurricane_Manifold.pdf
  12. Probably controls the neons.... I like the wheels and the color - it all went wrong from there.
  13. Anyone have any idea what's mounted to the console?
  14. This is what happens when a person with no taste buys a Trans Am and exercises their Pep Boys Frequent Buyers Club card: http://autos.yahoo.com/usedcars/detail/index.html;_ylt=ApeZBZ.PPRe6BOjvPMSiqrS.S8UF?cid=automobiles-216599624&dst=61.10&rsr=bWFrZT1QT05UJm1vZGVsPVRSQU5TQU0mY2xfeT0yMDAxJmNoX3k9JmNsX3ByaWNlPSZjaF9wcmljZT0mY2xfbWk9JmNoX21pPSZjaz0mZ3VyPTMwMCZjc3o9OTEzNDUmY2Vfc2w9JnZ0eXBlPWF1dG9zJm1rPVBvbnRpYWMmbW89VHJhbnMrQW0mc3VibWl0PVNlYXJjaCZiPTIw#image Should I put that spoiler on my car??
  15. Too bad I don't have a Camaro http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/L-K-1957-CHEVY-CAMARO-CONVERSION-KIT-NEW-IN-2007-WOW_W0QQitemZ200077375009QQihZ010QQcategoryZ10076QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. YES!!! I am so there.
  17. I was not seriously thinking Columbus Racing would buy a dyno. I just saw it for sale and thought it was interesting. I had no idea how much one would cost.
  18. http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=660937
  19. I am not going to live that down.....well here's a pic to sooth the pain: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/casey02ws6/DSC00652_edited.jpg
  20. I have a storage facility you can use 0- here's a pic: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/casey02ws6/DSC00735.jpg
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