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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Saw a post yesterday that dealers are taking deposits at 25k over MSRP - whatever it is seeing as MSRP has not been determined.
  2. Yeah Cars and Salad does not work.
  3. What is wrong with Tim Allen? He is a car fanatic - someone you would Think people on a Car forum would appreciate.
  4. "I wouldn't say it was the deciding factor." - but it clearly was a factor? Notice he did NOt say "It was not a factor". Should an actor's political affiliation impact whether his show is cancelled? Man we really have no one sitting in the middle here do we? The extremism of both parties is killings this country.
  5. I should have bought that M3. I have regretted that many times since going a different direction.
  6. This is 'murica - that's not how it works
  7. For me, I was surprised at the difference between a shirt I would buy in any dept store versus what I was sent. The clothes just fit so much nicer - there is a difference. To me, at this point in my life, I like my clothes to fit well. They also last a lot longer.
  8. I did Bombfell and Stitch Fix for a while. It definitely upgraded my closet as I just do not have time or patience for that type of thing but like to be a bit trendy. It gets expensive as they keep pushing the budget you set.
  9. That's nice. I have the same year but a Suburban LTZ. First year for the 6 speed auto...I would not go older
  10. Ah yes - forget that idea. If they make the ATS in a manual that might be fun?
  11. Or get a Charger - maybe even with AWD?
  12. Yes I know my car is a pig too but I though this was funny: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Pretty awesome numbers- especially with a warranty. So do we think Hellcat prices suffer? You can already get a used one in the mid-40s.
  15. I thought 10.80 was way too slow but they point out a stock Challenger Hellcat is a 11.70 car and it is tough to pick up a full second in that time class. I don't know - it has to be a single digit car or Dodge pulled off one of the greatest trolling advertising campaign ever.
  16. The internet is saying it says 10.80....that would be huge disappointment in my mind
  17. Can't make it out on my phone but it looks like single digits to me
  18. Nah - 55k conversion. It does have a 2 year 24k miles warranty but is clearly not the same as a factory car like the Demon. Again I just thought it was funny
  19. I don't disagree - I do think it is funny though. It will be ~ 120k so you cannot buy a Hellcat and Demon. Keep in mind the Camaro will be 200-300 pounds lighter. I agree though - Demon will take in quarter - it is what it is built for but Demon would have no chance on a road course
  20. The Exorcist... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. Man that stinks - especially given how much attention you pay to the finish. We worry about stone chips and then this happens...
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