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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. I don't know why I feel the need to respond again on this, but just one last response. I work 60+ hours a week at a high stress job. I live in a freaking subdivision where there is nowhere to store an additional car. I was offered more than I paid for the car as a settlement and 4k more than if I had sold it as planned. I determined it was not worth my time or effort to take delivery of the car and negotiate with some potential asshat that ultimately didn't have the money to get the car off my hands. Someone I trust and knew was good at his word offered me 500 more than the buyout in cash. Was it a good deal for Sam? Absolutely. Was it a good deal for me? Absolutely. Could I have made more? Maybe but I was not willing to sacrifice my time to do it. If Sam can put it back on the road and get a Dd driver for cheap - great for him. I will take the money and move on to something else.
  2. While the Maserati is cool I forgot a "must".....must be reliable. I love the RS4 but no way I want to deal with the constant valve cleaning issues
  3. Alex...I do have the 335i on my list. My biggest concern, no lie, is whether or not those can be made to sound good. With a couple simple mods I am aware they can be pretty fast, I like the looks of them. Others - I know I am all over the place - I need to start driving some of them. I cannot decide if I just want a toy to drive only on nice days (vette) or something to daily. Leaning towards a fun DD like I had in the V.
  4. Well for the first time in a long time I find myself at a loss for what I want next. Here are the "musts": - must sound amazing - must be quick but I am past needing it to be the fastest thing around - must be fun - must be a car that not everyone has - must be < 30k As for what I like: I LOVED my 2005 CTSv - I considered getting another one but I find it hard to believe I will find one as nice as I had and figured why not change it up. Cost is no object I would get a 2nd gen V or C6 Z06 or GS. I may save a while and go that route as they are > 30k. What I have on my "to drive" list so far: - 2004+ M3 Convertible (this was the other car I considered before the V) - 2011+ Mustang (cannot believe I even said that) - Challenger SRT8 - C6 vette (could I live without the wide body?) - Mercedes C55 - Audi S4 (I know the V8 sounds good but what about the 3.0t which is supposed to be the better motor) What am I missing? Any strong opinions on the cars on the list? (tom should chime in as I think he has owned them all )
  5. Interestingly he is coming over tonight to check out my driveway
  6. I got what I wanted out of the deal...I was not looking to "profit" from it. I have enough on my plate that wheeling and dealing in this car was not something I was interested in. My time is worth money too.
  7. The insured had Motorists Mutual. The experience overall was good, their first offer was low but after I tore up their valuation and provided better conparable cars for sale they made it right. I actually got more than I paid for the car 2 years ago. They offered the car to me for 10% of the settlement amount. Sam gave me a bit more for my trouble and is looking to put it back on the road. As for me, I am considering my options for my next vehicle. It may be soon but I might wait until Spring.
  8. Defense kept getting put back on the field. The O coordinator did not help JT Barrett at all unless JT was missing the quick passes and holding on to the ball. I would have been happier with them running it right up the middle 3x and punting.
  9. Oh I get it - it is just unusual.
  10. That's interesting you are arguing the value down so they will total it....be careful as whatever you negotiate them down to will end up as your settlement
  11. Obama should probably drop a few archers out in the desert to draw ISIS out and hit them with a lightning spell or 2
  12. The builder was Kingwood Homes....I don't even think they are around anymore but I will look into it
  13. House was built in 1992...outside of any warranty. Thankfully there is no basement on that side of the house. The estimate was not that bad, would just rather give the business to someone here or someone who comes recommended.
  14. Anyone here do foundation / concrete work? Apparently one of the footers under my garage split or washed away. I got an estimate but wondered if someone here does that work or has a recommendation. Some pics: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/31/use6u8uz.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/31/6eqaduhy.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/31/3e6evy6e.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/31/3unurape.jpg
  15. I have gone back and forth whether or not to post this here but thought there may be a few of you that might enjoy it. My church just released our first CD of Contemporary Worship music. All but one were written by members of the church. I played bass on 3 of the 7 songs and helped write the bass part on the others. It is available for free on noisetrade.com. Just search "Grace Point Music" - the name of the CD is "Awaken". http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/29/aheteqyv.jpg
  16. Bulk of it was tires and powder coating of the wheels and grills. They also did the motor mounts
  17. Thankfully they have agreed to "relook" at the valuation and will give me credit for modifications I made. Thank you to IPS for providing receipts in literally 5 minutes for over $2,600 in updates. (I had no idea I had that much invested )
  18. The fight begins...got their valuation....they must not know who they are dealing with
  19. Hence my comment - it is a game of bullying. For the record I do the same.
  20. One of the Last attacks : I am a level 49...he was a level 76. Hit me with 37 L5 archers, 8 L5 wall breakers, a L2 barbarian king, 20 L5 giants, 37 L5 barbarians Oh, I lost
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