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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. http://i.imgur.com/90GNB.jpg http://www.fbclick.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/a9296_funny-captions-oh-look-a-penny.jpg http://memearchive.net/memerial.net/4301/oh-look-a-penny.jpg
  2. http://unscrwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/How-Do-You-Hold-A-Gun.jpg
  3. Skinner

    my new toy

  4. yeah because you have never reposted anything before.
  5. Jumped it and can hear the relay kick over and the lights turned on. Bad switch. Thanks for the help guys.
  6. OK, did that and now nothing comes on so I think its the switch. I want to jump it to test to make sure. Can I make the Jumper and run it from the 12 volt source to the relay switch or do I need to add a ground as well and if I do how would I make that?
  7. That or I will find the correct relay. Also think the OEM switch maybe bad but will look at that later.
  8. Think Jones nailed it, looked at the relay and this is what is shows. http://i.imgur.com/eSTHT.jpg
  9. So the fog lights on my Jeep no longer worked. found the direction on how to manually wire up the stock lights to the stock switch http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/AHhub/forum%20stuff/fogWiringDiagram.jpg followed the diagram ran the wire and am using a 5 prong relay. After everything is wired up if I plug the inline fuse in running from my battery the pass side fog light comes on. Pulled the fuse made sure grounds are good plug it back in and same thing. Just to test turned the key over and tested lights from the switch and got nothing. Tried another relay that I have and got the same results not sure where I went wrong. any ideas?
  10. yeah they were saying on the news he was tested over 500 times in the last 10 years and always tested clean.
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