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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. imdb trailer http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770828/
  2. post count has to be at 25 to have access to the album. you could always use imgur.com its free and very easy to use.
  3. never heard of the police carrying a drop shotgun. Seems kinda hard to hide.
  4. Skinner


    LOL. I saw that as well.
  5. Skinner

    Gun + Chick

    Honestly, go to a range and hold every gun you might like. Once you find the ones that are comfortable for you to hold, rent those and shoot them to find which ones you still like decide from there.
  6. ABC news reported that a James Holmes had recently joined the local teaparty website. They were unable to confirm if it was the same person though.
  7. Looks like shooter was caught by police. His name is Jim Holmes. Police are at his place making sure its not boobytrapped.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/us/colorado-theater-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Youngest was a 3 month old. So far reports are saying it was a single shooter. He used teargas or a smoke nade. Also he had a pistol,shotgun, and a rifle.
  9. Skinner

    Fiction Books

  10. I saw a couple shelby GTs this weekend a silver (probably the same one) and a blue on as well.
  11. cool dog hope he recovers
  12. http://i.imgur.com/Bop3c.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CqVc8.jpg
  13. some require a stack of these.
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