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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    friday 01/13

    hey guys thanks for highjacking my shit... no really
  2. Skinner

    friday 01/13

    Da boobies would be nioce. But I'm a simple man and will settle for wings.
  3. Skinner

    friday 01/13

    Ok with being cooped up at the hospital and working the second job I need to get out this friday. So with that whats going on and were is everyone meeting at. I've got a hankern for some wings and beer.
  4. I have silver starr in my truck for that last 2 + years without any problems. I put them in as soon as I bought the truck.
  5. well since they are still produced in mexico and just about taxi delivery car and business and resident that can affrad a car have one I would say the odds of one one are pretty damn good. and heres the info to prove it 'Old Beetle' Still a Mexican Market Titan Ironically, the Puebla facility's increasing focus on non-Mexican markets has left Mexican consumers as a secondary focus for a plant originally set up largely to serve Latin American markets. Most Mexicans simply can't afford the New Beetle -- generally priced around $20,000 - that now dominates Puebla production. Nonetheless, it's hugely important for the Mexican market that the Puebla plant continues to daily turn out some 100 units of the old-style Beetles. In fact, that facility is the only one in the world that still manufactures the classic Beetle. And no wonder. The classic Beetle never came even remotely close to going out of style in Mexico. Even today, many Mexicans regard the retro-Beetle with a reverence that rivals that showered on the Beatles after 1964's release of "Meet the Beatles." Mexicans continue to revere the classic Beetles for their reasonable price (currently around $6,700) and their durability on Mexico's sometimes-rough roads. Auto analysts, in fact, estimate that more than 1.1 million old-style Beetles are on the road in Mexico. That makes up more than one of every eight passenger cars in the entire country. In fact, the old-style Beetles -- known in Mexico by the Spanish word "Vocho" -- remain so popular in Mexico that they're the subject of a monthly magazine: "Vochomania," a slick publication that even has a "Beetle of the Month" centerfold. Undoubtedly, "Vocho" sales will continue to be strong in the Mexican market in the near future. and the link to back it up. http://www.conway.com/ssinsider/bbdeal/bd000117.htm so you still think the beatle is less recognizable then the 911 Oh and
  6. No the Columbus brewy does not do tours at least thats what the site says. But the St. louis plant it truely amazing to tour through.
  7. I would have told her sure I'll get tested right after you do.
  8. dont think so but I have to give them some credit they did fix it and removed all that crappy unpainted plastic cladding.
  9. I think a old bettle would as recongnizable as a 911 if not more so.
  10. Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
  11. Mazda has something simular. personally I dont think it looks that bad defenitly looks better than a pt cruiser or chevy HHR which is what it would compete with in class and price.
  12. If pitt plays as good as they did tonight they may have a chance and upset indy....maybe
  13. looks good man I'll have to stop over and check it out.
  14. We planned oursdidnt plan on 3 but thsats just a bonus. I'm a person that is very must set in my ways to the point of being hardheaded. I have always enjoyed having my own freedom even while married if i wanted to do something i would (for the most part and budget premiting).Now knowing that going to change completely I have no problems with that at all and infact am looking forward to taking care of them, teaching them, and watching grow. Once you know your going to have kids it truely does change you outlook on life. Hell last week when Autumn started to go in labor and I found out there was a chance we could lose them I honestly felt like i was going to die and to be honest would have given my life for thiers without thinking twice about it And i haven't even seen or held them yet. Anyway back to try to answer your question, yes when you have kids it will change for you but it will be for the best and the things you thought were important will change it doesnt mean will will have to give them up or will want to you'll just look at things differently Edit: Also say you do a a child and the toys take a back burner for a awhile once your boy/girl is at about 3 or older they will want to help you with everything you do. just think of it as a little garage buddy.
  15. sorry to hear that whats so bad about Buell anyway I always though that were sharp looking bikes.
  16. lack of sleep is killing my sense of humor.
  17. it hurts the balloon knot. discuss.
  18. are you sure about that?? http://www.norcalmobility.com/titlePhoto/motorhome.gif
  19. with 3 on the way they will be on there own for college.
  20. Aut thought she saw you on TV the night before when channle abc or nbc did a broadcast from thier at a bar. Oh nice pics of da boobies.
  21. check here. http://www.retrobox.com/rbsplash.htm they have them as much as $400 for a 3.9 intel box to $10 for a 400 cel box and they are local.
  22. yeah alot of store brought back his jersey you can get it cheap too 5 finger discount ha...
  23. my only res is that my 3 boys are born strong and healthy http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21238 everything else is all relative.
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