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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. my Neighbor has a 89 firebird for sale car if you want info let me know I'll PM it to you.
  2. anyone remember this rightclick
  3. yeah look at the Hawt teg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/11/web/623000-623999/623836_5_full.jpg
  4. Both cars are great. Both cars look good (IMO). It truely comes down to what you want out of the car. If it were me I would go with the STI but thats me and I totally love the car (its a love affair mainly jesus and my hotrod. graemlins/nod.gif ). It truely comes down to what you are wanting out of the car. To compare the 2 side by side is a little unfiar both cars are at the top of thier games but they are in 2 completely seperate classes. the STI is econobox that has raw power and love it or hate it looks . The V is refined powerful and meant to compete with BMWs and Mercs.
  5. http://www.streetracersonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/rs8/normal_rs86.jpg http://www.streetracersonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/rs8/normal_rs83.jpg http://www.streetracersonline.com/gallery/logo.php?picturename=albums/userpics/rs8/normal_rs8.jpg
  6. yeah same here i think its a cashe/cookie problems with IE refresh always clears it up.
  7. Skinner

    Anybody here Shoot?

    Hey Mike. next time you guys go shooting would like to go with you all.
  8. Fat guy on a liter bike!! "everyone sing it" graemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  9. 1 ltr slow 1 1slltr 1 slow liter nawws 9 secs (or what ever it can ran at the track.) sln2o slow n2o spalt rdkill DOA
  10. intersting would like to see them drive it thou.
  11. so what is this http://www.developersden.com/dump/pic1.jpg
  12. good will or vol. of america will take it but you don't get cash just the tax write off.
  13. ok i found a high res version man it looks great http://screenrant.com/archives/star_wars_episode_iii_trailer_654.html
  14. shit is there a mpeg version of it don't have qtime here at work.
  15. it depends with DSL you pay for a fixed speed upload and download. Whereas with cable your get a set speed that can very depending on overall usage. for example dsl you can buy a 1.5 mb up and 1.5 down. and that speed will never change. with cable i get a 5mb down and a 500kb up but the download speed may very depending on the over useage of the network/node I am on. Cable has gotten alot better but it still can very. If it were me i would go with cable. Edit as for DSL speeds from what i understand you can buy pretty much any upload and down load speeds you want. It all depends what the provider has available to offer. [ 10. March 2005, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Great Googley Moogley ]
  16. well shit is there anything i can check to make sure.
  17. shit will try. well i tried that and it didnt work. any other ideas??
  18. Hey all I have a bit of a problem. got a dell omniplex gx150 that will not post. the motherboard is getting power (there is a LED that lights up) when you hit the power button it will turn amber in color. will turn green when it boots normally (which it has in hte past yesterday to be exact). it is almost as if it is in a sleep state, but i cant seem to figure out how to wake it up i checked the mobo and i am not seeing any jumpers to reset with. any advise TIA
  19. so what marc this post took you about what 30 -45 mins to complete tongue.gif
  20. hmmmm don't know then, was going on 3rd or probably 4th hand info.
  21. wife called me and told me a transformer blew out on davidson. her office has been down since 2:30, we (nationwide tuttle) are up and i dont think we are running on gens.
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