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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. I mean, if I move back to Columbus, sure, I dont have any issue with that. I have met a lot of the active members here that wouldn't think twice to do that. if I give $100 to each person in this thread, do I at least get an old fashioned?



  2. Put it on a thermostat and set it to 40ish degrees. If you need help in doing so an HVAC or decent electrician can help, or I can walk you through it if you feel comfortable doing the work. All you need is a line voltage thermostat, typically used for baseboard electric heaters.




    EDIT: Just make sure in the specs it can handle the wattage, current and voltage.

    EDIT2: You can make it work on any thermostat, just requires some extra parts and wiring.

  3. I like the Charger/Challenger lineup but their prices are tater and those pigs need a diet.


    Camaro is WAY overpriced imho but the engine/platform has potential. If GM would actually try instead of riding on the other manufacturers coattails that is.


    Mustang. Just LOL.

  4. If it were just me driving the car, I wouldn't worry about it. I can keep it in mind and just set the cruise a few MPH lower based on whatever the difference is.


    With the wife occasionally driving it, it's iffy.


    But, my parents will drive this sometimes. My dad would instantly get a ticket with the slow speed accuracy. So whatever the difference is, I'll fix it.


    Honestly the bigger thing I'm worried about with tire size difference is accuracy for any of the dynamics systems. And whatever the typical update is probably only fixes the speedo. But I feel like better tires is a reasonable trade-off.

    Typically any decent calibrator compensates for all of them.

  5. I love the way they report covid is the cause of death...if you're in a car accident, then test positive for covid then die...it's reported as a covid death.


    The true covid death reports are skewed as hospital receive a better payment if the death is "covid" related.


    If you test positive for the flu then die of a heart attack they report the death as a heart attack.


    They typically list both.

  6. There are a lot of tools that can make the adjustment, just being sure you got that aspect covered before changing the size.


    I was going to suggest if you are only doing light off-roading I’d concentrate the search on a good all season tire with the appropriate load capacity first, then compare costs across sizes to see if a size change is really worth it.

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