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Posts posted by gillbot


    My point is exposure is good, but I feel his limits. I do most of my own wrenching, but he doesn't want to get too deep. THAT'S FINE. I started out doing plastic models as a kid but got into wrenching when stuff needed repair on a budget during high school. Modern video games are fun and exciting, and CHEAP relative to some of the hobby stuff.


    I think we’re at the same point. He’s still a kid and will get the hard work aspect when actual wrench time is needed. Maybe he’ll start with a go kart, dirt bike or something then progress. Right now it’s games, models and such because, well, he’s a kid! I’ll likely start out doing wrenching but show, then at some point he’ll do it if he wants it done on his time instead of mine.

  2. If he never had the vidya games but started in the garage he'd likely have a different mindset, no?




    Different generations have different interests. I was never “started in the garage” and was raised by my mom, still turned out more of hands on type guy. She tried to get me interested in many things but they never stuck. She hated that I would waste hours on Nintendo or other games. I try to get my kids into the garage and hands on stuff all the time but they don’t care.


    I do try and pay attention to what they do care about and help them grow that passion where I can. My daughter loves plants and growing things so I help her plant trees, flowers or whatever. My son likes engineering so we get him technic legos so similar construction sets. Maybe he’ll change with age, maybe not but it’s his choice if he doesn’t want greasy hands.


    Edit: Often I think kids don’t realize the amount of work that goes into many things and until that amount of hard work is beneficial to them, they won’t see it. They also live in an age where 700+ horsepower is a mere finance away. We never had that option.

  3. This. 100% agree. That and they didn't teach their kids/grandkids or share in the hobby. Those kids found the thrill of racing vidya games and the rest is history.


    My son wanted to be a mechanic because he’s played some mechanic games where you hop up cars to make them faster. I got him a small engine (mower) to tear down so he could have the experience and see real pistons, valves, etc. After he started he said it was too hard and he quit.


    I think kids today have a skewed sense of reality due to all these simulator games and the fast and furious franchise making “10 second cars” without much effort. I’ve always tried to temper his expectations and show him examples but you know how it is when you are a kid, until you experience it yourself. Plus with cars today like the hellcat starting out plenty fast, they don’t understand the cost and value of speed. Hopefully it’s a phase and as he gets older we can revisit this but we’ll see.

  4. I don’t doubt there’s bigger stuff going on, but sheeple do as sheeple told. We will never know the true story, only the bomber will.


    As for the parrots on tv, I’m more baffled they aren’t talking. It’s almost as if it didn’t happen.

  5. It’s funny to me that depending on your political view, you think it was either Antifa/BLM or a maga maniac trying to blow up att because of the supposed dominion ties.


    I’m honestly not sure what to think with the info out now, but it’s does seem super strange that he seemed to be targeting a place, not people.


    I also find it suspect that it didn’t get the wall to wall coverage that something like this usually would. Maybe because it was on Christmas? Maybe people are fatigued from this year? Maybe the establishment is trying to suppress it like they have on other stories recently?


    I will echo all of these. I was expecting break in coverage but not a word. Nothing from any of the outlets here. Maybe because it’s not tied to either side yet as far as facts or information go so they can’t spin it yet?

  6. After watching the news it seems like they were trying to get the police to show up.

    They said there was a loud speaker announcing the explosion from the rv and gun shots fired.

    So I'm saying antifa or something marxist


    There’s video of the bomb announcement on YouTube. It’s chilling. Mixed reports and the staggering lack of media coverage is baffling.


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