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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. Looks great..who did it


    Had rods custom stocks work on my main 686 and he did a great job with the adjustable comb and butt plate as well as a great job doing the fitting for my mount.


    I'd think he works on more than just shotguns, highly recommend his services.



  2. sleepy




    Oh. My. God. How deep does this go?


    Put your foil hat on quick, they might be listening.


    *I'm not sad that trump is out or that Biden is in. I just think it’s hilarious some of what I’m reading posted by heavy trump and Biden supporters both. This is scary crazy.

  3. Not to mention people far often overlook other pollution sources like tires and brake pads. Plus they think there is no pollution from EV's, well, where do those nasty chemicals that make the batteries come from? Where does plastic come from? Since EV production is small right now comparatively speaking, these are overlooked. What happens when they mass produce all these EV's? That's our next hurdle and EV's will be bad then. :rolls eyes:
  4. There needs to be a mass exodus of Facebook and Twitter. They need to go the way of myspace. I've never done facebook. I signed up for it years ago and saw right away it wasn't something I was interested in so deleted it and never looked back.


    I closed mine long ago and never looked back.

  5. Yes they did, I was involved with installing those kiosks and made a good bit per site. $15/hr minimum wage will push companies into automation for a lot more things and push more than most realize into the AI world to get things done. Example being law firms won't hire people to do a lot of the research tasks and burger flipping robots are an actual thing.


    Works for me though, I have 25yrs of field service skills and I'm on the preferred list of hundreds of solution providers around the world to fix this tech shit.


    I’ve been busy as hell since COVID hit, this is just more icing on the shit sandwich I’ve been eating already.

  6. The other issue I have with blanket hikes on minimum wage are the overall loss of those jobs to automation and what about those who made over minimum wage before but below this new wage? It will also affect their jobs. At some point people have to see that the job they are performing isn’t worth $15/hr.
  7. When they tried to push the minimum wage up the last time, didn’t McDonald’s start installing order kiosks? That also pushed app developers to make app ordering as well. People aren’t getting the fact that this push isn’t helping, it’s just flat killing jobs and forcing automation.
  8. Our 17 year old neighbor caught it. Football player, kid is a fucking tank but it knocked him on his ass for 8-10 days. All he did was sleep for a week and even now weeks later “recovered”, he still has a hard time some days.


    My MIL had it also, she’s 60ish with COPD. Landed her in the ICU for over a week, luckily she never had to go on a vent. She’s been out of the hospital for a couple weeks now but can’t go more than a few hours without oxygen. She will wander around her apartment for 15-30 minutes at a time and rest, wander again for 15-30, rest. She can’t even make it to her mailbox now without having to get help back to her apartment. Before COVID she was out shopping, visiting people and nothing would hold her back.

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