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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. Yep.... I've often thought about getting an old camper van, chasing the all mighty $ across the US and sending every cent home.
  2. gillbot


    13 words is too long for most or CR.
  3. That's Mister Mother Fucker to you.
  4. http://grammarist.com/usage/moot-mute/ http://blog.dictionary.com/moot-point-vs-mute-point/
  5. Marc, I never did get back with you on refi. Shit, I don't even remember what you needed now. When is the best time to get in touch with you?
  6. gillbot

    WTB: Gm t-56

    Cordell is right. You aren't going to find a "budget" t56 that hasn't been beat to shit already. I contemplated swapping my 4l60 over to t56, then I tried to find a used t56. After I saw the pricing on the trans itself, I decided to sell the car. He's right though, a conversion is typically the better route as you'll nickel and dime yourself over the long run otherwise.
  7. I agree somewhat, but the general forum is dying. Many I've been a part of since their beginning have folded due to near zero traffic.
  8. There are a lot of OG cofba members I talk to that still pop in but never post. The forum is dead, most have migrated to other outlets such as Facebook. It's a shame, the forum is a dying breed.
  9. Viggo Tarasov: That fucking nobody is John Wick. He once was an associate of ours. They call him Baba Yaga. Well John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman, he was the one you send to kill the fucking Boogeyman. John is a man of focus, commitment and sheer will, something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar, with a pencil. With a fucking... pencil. Suddenly, one day he asked to leave, over a woman, of course. So I made a deal with him. I gave him an impossible task. A job no one could have pulled off. The bodies he buried that day lay the foundation of what we are now. And then my son, a few days after his wife died, you steal his car and kill his fucking dog. John will come for you, and you will do nothing because you ''can'' do nothing.
  10. Im keeping an open mind.
  11. http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/gillbot/image_zpsxafogwri.jpeg
  12. I think you pretty much summed up any person going to nearly any dealership.
  13. So does most cheap China goods, so it is still a fair comparison.. :lolguy:
  14. The typical "from China" timeframe. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes three. It seems like a coin toss usually. Fwiw, it was worth the wait. They sound better than my skullcandy corded buds, though to be fair my skulls are pretty old. I think they are the original inkd style. Edit, I figured for the price it was worth a shot to try em.
  15. gillbot

    Erie roofing

    I can at least respect those that tell me the job is too small for them as they are too booked.
  16. Too bad Facebook now costs 5.99
  17. I have a set of these, they sound good and last a while http://www.ebay.com/itm/351383812946?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&var=620490673674&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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