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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. The problem is the schools just dumb down the courses to make it easier to attain whatever gpa is required. That's what happened when I was in school. I was the teachers assistant and we had to allow anyone on work grants to retake the test as many times as they wanted till they achieved a passing grade. Most of them would come in, write down their answers, get their failed test to see what they got right then repeat till they got a passing grade. I was shocked but my professor said his hands were tied and the admissions department made this change to allow access to better funding. (Read: free government money bitches!!!) Without holding schools to standards, they will all do the same just to get the free money. It's a shame that we used to be the hardest working country in the world, now we're a bunch of lazy freeloading fucks........
  2. We had a heat pump in Dayton, it wasn't that bad really. It would run a lot when temps dropped below 30 or so, and aux/emerg heat would only kick in when the temps hit single digits but even then it didn't kick a whole lot. My suggestion is to get a good hvac guy out there. Sounds like there's an issue with the outside unit that may need addressed.
  3. this ^ When I was in tech school, there were lots and lots of older guys going to school with me. One day I asked what one of them was going for since he looked like he was retirement age or damn close. He told me he could retire within a couple years but as long as he stayed in school, his unemployment would continue. He then let me know he already attained "several" degrees over the past few years while on unemployment and was just riding the gravy train until the end. He had no desire or motivation to use those degrees or get employment. The saddest part was many of the classes he was enrolled in were limited in capacity so he basically took the spot of some poor kid who wanted to go to school to get a job but had to wait for a whole year for the program's rotation to cycle around. Before I sign on the dotted line to hand out money to give free education, there needs to be some reform of the system. Once the schools see a free check coming in, they'll cram the classrooms full of fucking people, degrade the program to the point that people don't learn shit all in an effort to keep the gpa high enough so they get their government check. Pretty much the same problem most k-12 schools have imho.
  4. Depends on the institution and your credit. I used my bank and the loan officer asked if I wanted a blank check or I could call them with the amount and they'd send it in or I could pick it up. As for terms, they are usually decided before you get the check.
  5. Unlikely. I may be in Newark for work Thursday, or Zanesville Friday. That's the closest I'd get.
  6. I prefer the older ones but I'll take what I can get.
  7. I want a hellcat Cherokee.
  8. gillbot

    Hardcore Heroin

    Sure sounds like it. I was given a script for Percocet to delay surgery on my foot and I didn't use the whole bottle. Knowing I'd have rehab coming after I finally made it to surgery, I opted for the refill on my next visit. I still have that whole bottle full and most of the bottle before surgery. My visit I was asked if I needed another refill and I declined, much to my doctors surprise. After reading this thread, I can understand my doctors hesitance to write a Percocet prescription in the first place.
  9. I've done dumbass shit before, been busted on it and simply said.... "Well, that didn't go as I expected, fuck me!!!" Live and learn I guess.
  10. Or worse yet, an Ohio state fan! :gabe::lolguy:
  11. Why can't people just say "well, I fucked up there!" and be done with it?
  12. Goodwill, local schools or daycares, thrift stores, other community centers or similar types of organizations.
  13. That damn game is nearly impossible to find anymore, well, at least reasonably priced.
  14. Next time I dig out my stash, I'll have to look. http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/gillbot/imagejpg1_zpsde3ed33e.jpg
  15. gillbot


    The Aldi quarter is in both my wife's car and my truck, lol. The first week of every month is off limits for us, no matter the store.
  16. http://www.greenharvestmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/FACEBOOK-LIKE_2676878b.jpg
  17. Honeywell is 1 degree, nest is 3. Some allow it to be adjusted.
  18. As i stated above, it seems as though the accuracy isn't the issue. It has a non adjustable setting referred to as "swing temp" where it will allow deviation from the set point. I believe its an an effort to save energy.
  19. I think I'm now leaning towards the Ecobee3 http://smartthermostatguide.com/ecobee3-smart-thermostat-review/ And after reading a bunch of reviews, it seems the inaccuracy of the nest is in fact built in. It has a 3 degree "swing temp" setting whereas the Honeywell is 1 degree. There is more info on it at the site above, and is one of ther cons about the nest itself.
  20. Bitfenix Prodigy - sold X-Case RM 100S 1u server case with 500w psu - $35 plus shipping http://www.xcase.co.uk/x-case-rm-100s-480-atx-micro-atx-1u-39-95-x-case.html http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/gillbot/imagejpg2_zpsabb1263c.jpg http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i191/gillbot/imagejpg1_zps8afb7d71.jpg I am not in cbus, I am near Youngstown so keep that in mind.
  21. Yeah, the higher the model usually the more periods you can set. I'm debating on just going for one of the top tier models and being done with incremental upgrades.
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