this ^
When I was in tech school, there were lots and lots of older guys going to school with me. One day I asked what one of them was going for since he looked like he was retirement age or damn close. He told me he could retire within a couple years but as long as he stayed in school, his unemployment would continue. He then let me know he already attained "several" degrees over the past few years while on unemployment and was just riding the gravy train until the end. He had no desire or motivation to use those degrees or get employment. The saddest part was many of the classes he was enrolled in were limited in capacity so he basically took the spot of some poor kid who wanted to go to school to get a job but had to wait for a whole year for the program's rotation to cycle around.
Before I sign on the dotted line to hand out money to give free education, there needs to be some reform of the system. Once the schools see a free check coming in, they'll cram the classrooms full of fucking people, degrade the program to the point that people don't learn shit all in an effort to keep the gpa high enough so they get their government check. Pretty much the same problem most k-12 schools have imho.