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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. he never learned that because they cut school funding also
  2. you fucker you better have knocked on wood. cuz you know i'll somehow be involved in that if not the one.
  3. What works for me Presoak everything Claybar Wax – mequires nxt Windows - Invisible glass in the can not the bottle Plastics - Mequires NXT but when you do the dash lightly spray it on a rag so you don’t make the dash to SHINEY and you see it in the windshield this also keeps you from getting overspray on the window. Leather - Turtlewax leather cleaner I hate mequires its always blotchy Door jams / scuff marks - Any kind of AP (all purpose) Seals – I usually just use the detailer but I know there is this really good thick resin stuff that’s amazing can’t remember what it’s called I’m looking into it Faded black anything – black magic or back to black any of those Tireshine - I have no idea I don’t use it and shanton yells at me for it everytime Only use one rag per product Always do windows last Don’t use the shiney detailer for the dash or the steering wheel Always wax after you claybar This is just what works for me if anyone has used these and found something better please let me know.
  4. 2 guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks
  5. if this falls threw your voted off the island.
  6. i agree with the zoomed in stuff but you got to remember these robots are huge and in order to get them all in the picture they would have had to film from farther away jk at the same time alot of the scenes were just packed with robots and you couldn't focus on one thing but i think that will get better the more you watch it. and i think this movie needed more military. so now that some of you have spoilers can we talk about some stuff?
  7. http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2008_Step_Brothers/tn/2008_step_brothers_013.jpg "your fuckin high" hey bitch Theodore Roosevelt was a fuckin hero and what happened down there was far from slavery. the working conditions on the other hand were piss poor but so was every other job at that time in history. If we could vote on a past president to serve again he would definitely get my vote or at least be in the top 5. we need someone with some common sense. and if your just throwin shit out there to be funny and sound smart GTFO.
  8. catch me if you can and i'm totally joking about all that .... OR AM I ...no but seriously i am .... OR MAYBE NOT.
  9. air force you can always switch later if you want they wont take me i told them put me in an F-16 or i'm walking ... i walked .. all the way to the AFB and stole a blackbird bitches buahahah unfortunitely i didn'y have a tanker waiting so all the fuel leaked out before i could go anywhere but i did manage to get in one pull up to 2000MPH ... yea it was a long gear
  10. good movie and sideswipe being the vette he is kicks all kinds of ass but totally ripped off my saying but i'll allow it it was for good reason with good timing. one part i said please be _______ FUCK you bastards thats not right ......... and yes some sad parts i can't believe those 3 died
  11. it's also a percentage thing i mean how many times can i speed before i get caught. i used to drive 140-160 the whole way from polaris to canal everynight just to stay awake and i've seriously fallen asleep at 140 before no joke thats when i had to start doing the slalom across 3 lanes and slamming on the brakes to wake up but of all the stuff i've done in that car the top 10 closest times i've came to wrecking it was from falling asleep. and if speed keeps me awake it's worth it. that being said i've never been pulled over speeding from trying to stay awake. and PS this story is totally made up and not true at all.
  12. did you for real just make a partyrock group LOL
  13. yea that was my 69th time being pulled over that means 70 is going to be for something big the round numbers are always something big my 60th time was when i got pulled over for doing 118 and went to jail. i really wish i could take these cops on a ride before they write the ticket 100 in the vette feels like 50 in the cavy.
  14. there are many stigs and by saying who the stig is it ruins the entire essence of the stig for the stig is not a person but an entity a poster child for "speak softly but carry a big stick" a symbol of badassedness and perfection.
  15. didn't we go over the shotgun rules. http://www.shotgunrules.com/ and IM IN
  16. if it was an SS i would be willing to put it in it's place if it is a v6 i'll be willing to show the vette still gets better gas mileage.
  17. when all else fails utorrent and if you are gonna use it for school get the 2003 version so everything will be compatible with no hassle.
  18. because then you will have the potential for people talking about other people when they can't see it. i.e. talking behind there back = dick move
  19. http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/5/26/633789557062812895-kitchen.jpg
  20. "There is only one thing in life that we have complete control over, wether we are Good or Evil."
  21. Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong. - John G. Riefenbaker
  22. thats what you get for being slow
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