color has nothing to do with anything people are people and if someone choose to talk act or dress a certain way fine as long as it makes them happy. you will never catch me in a pair of spandex biker shorts, dirty jean overalls, sagging my pants, cowboy hat or boots or wearing a shirt that hangs to my knees. but if that is what you choose don't get pissed when something is said because if your happy with who you are then other peoples opinions should’t matter. If your fat and I call you fat it’s the truth don’t get pissed. if your black and I call you black it’s the truth don’t take it negatively, when people say robs the short one guess what? I don’t get mad, It’s the truth and I accept it. you can call me a cracker spic or what ever, i don't give a fuck cuz i know i wouldn't trade my life for yours anyday.
when it comes to truth there is no positive or negative
It's really just the people who arn't happy with who they are that get pissed.
the real problem is people try to find problems when none exist.