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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. it will be unavailable until it is available i just wanted to get the link out so i can go to bed.
  2. hope your not expecting much i didn't even edit it i'm posting everything so people know what i have to work with. i'll edit it later after i get the other tape hopefully i can piece something together.
  3. sometimes it is necesary i wasn't trying to point fingers i just thought i'd post some rules you will see what i mean when you see the vid. alot people like to hear the cars and the only way to make this video work is to kill the sound and make it all music in windows movie maker you can only determine the ratio of sound/music once you cant make it variable througout the video.
  4. and NO the link will not be posted here, you guys know where to find it.
  5. video or LACK THERE OF is uploading now
  6. i havn't seen the footage from the other camera yet, i'm gonna do what i can though.
  7. OK no more letting other people film. this shits about useless and theres only 8 minutes WTF ok rule 1: as long as the record button is pressed you have officially lost your spectating priveledges and MUST watch everything threw the viewfinder or LCD screen rule 2 : NEVER zoom in for any reason rule 3: do not stick the camera out the window unless absolutely necessary rule 4: if the cops come keep filming the C6 vs Z06 and JP is really the only good footage .... fuck i hate filming in mexico i don't even wanna fuck with this
  8. staying awake sucked good thing the cars had an accelerator. i had to keep sloloming the reflectors to stay awake. and even with all our random pit stops and driver changes it still only took 2 hours to get from Akron to canal. is sloloming a word?
  9. where is the best place to upload full size pics?????
  10. the first race - i forgot about the traction control so it fell on it's face. the second race - i totally heard 3 honks ok maybe jumped a little, i was using the force and it was faster then your honks.
  11. no problem should be tonight unless something comes up. Disclaimer i was not doing the shooting so not resposible for lost stolen or blurry pics.
  12. FINISH HIM... A B A C A B B < Blood code, still remember it
  13. paintball gun with no paintballs close range make them and spiders disapear.
  14. State Rankings - Memorial Day Weekend 2009 With the first major driving holiday of the summer season approaching, we have analyzed the laws across the country to determine the best and the worst states when it comes to exploiting the motoring public. These state rankings were calculated using seventeen criteria related to specific traffic laws, enforcement practices, and the treatment of traffic ticket defendants. The rankings are designed to provide guidance to travelers who do not want their vacation ruined by speed traps, arcane laws or “kangaroo” traffic courts. Full List Of State Rankings From Worst To Best 1) New Jersey 2) Ohio 3) Maryland 4) Louisiana 5) New York 6) Illinois 7) Delaware 8) Virginia 9) Washington 10) Massachusetts 11) Colorado 12) Oregon 13) Tennessee 14) California 15) Michigan 16) Vermont 17) Maine 18) Florida 19) Pennsylvania 20) North Carolina 21) Alabama 22) Rhode Island 23) West Virginia 24) New Hampshire 25) Arizona 26) New Mexico 27) Missouri 28) Texas 29) Oklahoma 30) Nevada 31) Georgia 32) Connecticut 33) South Carolina 34) Iowa 35) Hawaii 36) Arkansas 37) Alaska 38) Kansas 39) Mississippi 40) Wisconsin 41) Utah 42) South Dakota 43) Indiana 44) Minnesota 45) North Dakota 46) Kentucky 47) Nebraska 48) Montana 49) Idaho 50) Wyoming List of Criteria Used To Generate Rankings (no particular order) 1) Speed Traps Per Capita (# of speed traps listed on http://www.speedtrap.org indexed to population) 2) Does the state have "driver responsibility" fees? 3) Does the state have mayor's courts? 4) Does the state authorize the use of roadblocks? 5) What are the freeway speed limits? 6) Does the state have red-light cameras? 7) Does the state have speed cameras? 8) Are there toll roads in the state? 9) Is a jury trial available for traffic violations? 10) Is trial by declaration (asserting a defense in writing without appearing in court) available? 11) Is the state a member of the Non-Resident Violator Compact? 12) Is the state a member of the Driver's License Compact? 13) Are radar detectors banned in the state? 14) Does the state have a primary seat belt law? 15) Are there adult helmet laws in the state? 16) Are there move-over laws in the state? 17) Is cell phone use banned?
  15. yea the group was awesome, we had more fun "killing time" then we did at the car scene.
  16. i thought we were all done when that badger flew out of no where.
  17. i work at a paint factory and most of what we have will be used and dirty we only get in clean metal drums but i'll see if i can find something. you are referring to the blue ones, correct?
  18. his motor has ... well HAD alot more left in it, 190+ IAT temps FTL. austin made me slow down i was gonna top that bitch out and i hope we travel that same road next time cuz i'll have the vette p.s. i'm gonna need to borrow someones GPS
  19. Reporting as ordered, Comrad. before i do the vids i'd like to have all the tapes and if anyone would like to help or has some good ideas feel free. alot of that was thanks to the last minute parking lot nitrous setup yea we got some, and we got a sweet one of anthony's rolling as the sun was setting. don't forget anthony's phone call and did anyone get her playlist? And they have a bridge to spectate from that was packed, both sides all you see are a bunch of little red lights from people filming. Oh and thanks steve for huslin the McDonalds chic. And we need a place to hang out like Westside skates. Shit was tight.
  20. i was pissed no one filming got the supertroopers on tape it was no less then EPIC. who here is good with editing we should do a stop motion animation reenactment.
  21. I’m not going to tell you to not waste your money because most of us have been there and I know I’ve had my own share of money pits (http://www.cardomain.com/ride/631441/2) and I don’t regret anything I ever did.(except maybe the body kit those things are a pain in the ass.) That being said the best thing I ever did was sell them and buy a real car. One of the best things to help you realize the performance gap is to take a ride in a better car. I’m not sure what other cars you’ve driven but if you think it handles like a god then it can’t be much. My car is far from handling like a god but if you want to ride in something that handles I’ll take you for a ride in the vette.
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