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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. if you drive it alot or plan on getting headers you don't want the B&B. vararam headers stock Z06 exhaust. What do you use the car for??????
  2. NO if you think being built on different chassis is going to make it better it's not. the crossfire is built on a mercedes chassis and it's still rubish. and for the record IMO the 149 is ugly the only alfa i would buy would be the 159 and i didn't like it at first but after watching top gear so much it grew on me.
  3. do what makes sence and only mod for what the car will be used for.
  4. if your on vacation why the hell are you on a computer?
  5. then we had to drive home in a frickin blizzard
  6. Everything is twice the price, even McDonalds.
  7. Truer words have never been spoken.
  8. http://www.andymobiledetail.com/porsche/picture%20120.jpg Cars look a lot faster when they are clean
  9. i think i could live with buying this, instead of a house
  10. "GM CEO says future of Corvette secure" http://www.autoblog.com/2009/05/06/gm-ceo-says-future-of-corvette-secure/
  11. Welcome to the club i bought a del sol to turbo it and ended up spending all the turbo money i had saved just fixing it up and trying to keep it running. got tired of fixing it and sold it the cavy and my Raptor (which i absolutely loved and miss) in order to have enough to buy the vette, best decision i ever made. when one door closes another one opens and this one is deffinitely going to be for the better.
  12. +1 the same answer you get when you ask whats the practical use of having a fast car or even just a nice car or a good looking car. because they are fun and they put a smile on our face. and as far as one for home defense, when you see someone with a .22 or a purse pistol it doesn’t really instill fear into them. Now if you walk into someone’s house and you see an AR or an AK pointed at you, you think ok 1) this guy probably knows what he is doing 2) this guy has 30 chances to fuck me up 3) even if I can get behind a wall or a door he can still hit me FYI went shooting recently and the AK round will barely scratch ¼” steel at 150 yards the .30-06 however blew right threw And if anyone with an AK plans to shoot rapid fire don’t buy WOLF ammo the enamel melts in the chamber from the high heat and it jams.
  13. ever held a thompson? Gun, complete, with loaded 20-shot box magazine ............. 11 lb. 15 oz. Gun, complete, with loaded 50-shot drum magazine ........... 15 lb. 6 oz. thats twice what an AR weighs.
  14. saw a trailer full of them heading down 33. i know McDorman got some.
  15. my invite must have gotten lost in the mail..... DAMNIT. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/05/03/and-theyre-off-gumballers-head-out-of-los-angeles-on-first-leg/
  16. Thanks brian for all the help i had an AWESOME time. even though my car didn't put down what it should but that was my fault when on the dyno the car sees different load cells which is why it was only at 19 deg of timing. i havn't spent much time with the timing and i was going to wait till i got it right before i changed the entire table. i went out the next morning to log and it was back to 24 deg and 12.8 AFR i was like WTF so once i compared the tables and saw which cells it was seeing it made perfect sence.
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65676
  18. Survey says......... DING DING DING ... WE HAVE A WINNER.
  19. This man speaks the truth. I went without a car for awhile to save up and then to wait till I found EXACTLY what I wanted. I like coupes better
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