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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. LOL, i hope he cleaned the seats.
  2. a president who served in the military is very different then a presedent who is currently serving in the military. and even if you teach the smartest person in the world all the rules of chess if they have never played the game before do you really think they will win? knowledge is power and the only thing more powerful then knowledge is experience.
  3. Shanton, so how did my car work out for you!
  4. LOL this man speaks the truth i have a Hi Point carbine it's ok to plink but it's soooo bloody boring and i wouldn't trust it for self defense for that i have a baby eagle the most accurate pistol i have ever shot. PS i'm in Egypt right now
  5. i'm voting for McCain because he has the experience and he has served, as a former POW he knows what it's like and won't treat the war as a game. All of our worst presidents are the ones who did not serve in the military. PS i'm in Egypt right now
  6. http://cagle.msnbc.com/working/070426/lester.jpg
  7. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/227/504894375_6274311ae5.jpg?v=0
  8. wouldn't they call us westerners not easterners.
  9. that is so old, austin is in the car on brick's class LOL i challenge everyone in the 200-400 whp class.
  10. he took a graph and photoshopped "1's" in front of the numbers
  11. thats why they are so pissed off all the time.
  12. http://gizmodo.com/assets/images/gallery/4/2008/05/medium_2475738697_53666466c5_o.jpg lots more at http://gizmodo.com/photogallery/fakeiphone2 oh and Starting May 9th, Sprint will begin a massive, $100 million marketing campaign aimed straight at the iPhone's nether regions. http://gizmodo.com/388086/sprint-spending-100-million-to-kick-iphone-in-the-nuts-iphone-wearing-cup
  13. we need that for our race videos.
  14. wow my cavalier was a second faster in the wet spinning 1st threw 3rd - no joke
  15. July 11 12 and 13 sign up for NASA $50 https://www.nasaproracing.com/joinrenew.html friday is $175 saturday and sunday is $350 http://racenasa.nasamidwest.com/season/ here is the tech form you can tech early or at the track http://www.nasaproracing.com/images/rules-forms/form_hpde_tech.pdf here are the rules you don't have to study them but it's probobly a good idea to skim threw them http://www.nasaproracing.com/rules/ccr.pdf
  16. i just laughed out loud and as far as classes go it wont work because the ones who race for money are never going to tell you everything thats done. Linn's car would be in the exhaust only class and the more classes you have the more confusing it's going to get
  17. Norwalk or Trails doesn't matter to me as long as i can borrow a set of drag radials again because my Clutch will be on it's way soon, LS7 clutch and pressure plate $300. i know it's way faster then 12.3 LS3's put down 390 and one of those just went 11.7 off the show room floor. not bad for a car that doesn't belong at the strip.
  18. so when are you going to take that thing to mid ohio?
  19. the thing about a Vette is, it's a jack of all trades master of none. it might not excell at the strip but it sure can fake it. styling check braking check comfort check luxury check fuel economy check roll racing check but you only use the engine auto-x check but you only use first gear drag racing check but your not turning a car that was built to turn road racing big check you accelerate you brake you turn
  20. ok anthony is prolly right my wheels didn't even come close to fitting on austins TA. still not sure why they fit on billy's TA.
  21. my cat thought he was a dog i wish he was still alive
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