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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. cant take the wild out of an animal....i dont feel sorry for the guy the least, throw them all in there and it should be a good show....shouldnt have killed the lion though... thought once about opening a business called poacher hunters...go hunt the people that kill wild animals illegally i think that would be a blast
  2. you need stock? i might have mine laying around somewhere
  3. nice work as always if the guys last name is webb i wonder if i am related to him
  4. wow so many new people posting or just ones i have never seen lol i figure more will come out monday morning once they get everything organized
  5. wow that sucks for all who were involved....sounds like a lot of nice cars were involved but i did see this coming it was just a matter of time. Just sucks it had to be some of ours.
  6. i swear i have seen you around.... nice car and well done
  7. dont question the goodness just let it be....
  8. they are 100% yummy.....kinda want some now
  9. wow thats cool as hell how do you get that many stars here in OH must be way out in the country cause i could never see that many here
  10. i have a ticket for slow speed lol it would be right up there with your 1 mile an hour over
  11. yea my job likes to go back later when doing our time cards and change the times so we dont get as much overtime which is illegal i think. They shorted me out of 6 hrs last pay check
  12. well i recently acquired a tv but the jack is broken in the back for the coax cable, so i need a vcr that has RCA video and audio outputs on it so i can input the coax then output to the rca jacks so i can see regular tv and play my nintendo. Yes i know kinda odd but just go with it...just a shot in the dark
  13. justinwebb


    me and the gf were gonna go see that but went to see wall-e which in all honesty was a great movie
  14. convertx to dvd is a great one it will convert any file types to a dvd edit: just read you want a free program well that one isnt free but it can be found on torrent sites and such
  15. justinwebb


    all seems well here on campus now just lightning and raining like crazy...thank god for a garage the tree which i would normally park under lost a bunch of huge branches....now i just hope the car didnt float away
  16. justinwebb


    damn thanks for the advice, do i need a bright yellow truck also? im glad had this been a real tornado we would all be right in front of our pc's posting away lol.
  17. justinwebb


    i hear them what do i do.....i stand up put on shoes grab my camera and run out on the fire escape to look wtf is wrong with me
  18. one of the best things i have read in a while. It involves a guy who got a boot put on his car then proceeds to fight not paying for it by moving the car into his garage http://www.parkingenforcementforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3 great read but kinda long
  19. nice pics wish i had either of the vettes lol and EM1 hit me up sometime ill snap some pics with ya
  20. that was great and i always thought sam just pulled the hot chicks but he is an equal opportunity player
  21. i see what you did there clever
  22. odd jacob and i were just talking about why he never posted the other day Happy b-day man !!
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