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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. anyone know when its coming out for the PC
  2. why was someone just standing there filming or a tripod....my guess is that it was planned but still freaking retarded
  3. my manager just painted 4 panels for me for 200 bucks and i bought the paint and it looks like it was done OEM so if you are interested i could hook you up as he is looking for some work
  4. i would do it but then i saw the huge holes in the path and started rethinking but then again think of the poor people who had to build that path lol that must have been a great day at work
  5. i have a 91 oldsmobile that i havent done anything with in about 3 years and is highly oxidized
  6. you can say that again....oh wait you did
  7. does it get sent to the address where you filed your taxes? i just moved and put in my new address for my taxes so hopefully it comes here.....i heard that people got something in the mail about it?? but i got nothing
  8. i think i have seen that around before and perhaps at an ohiohondas meet? i could be wrong it happens a lot
  9. might be interested in this for the car pc need to see if i can use it in my front end program 1st
  10. anyone else who is into torrents and such knows of demonoid and how it got shut down a while ago... and i tried it today and my login and stats are still there which is odd that they were shut down and all but now are back up and running....so i kinda think its just a trap now ...what is anyone elses take on it? and yes i know torrents and such are an easy way to get a cool letter saying i am being sued and such but i figured i would let anyone know who used them i dont use torrents much anymore since the risk
  11. i dont think this has anything to do with cloverfield....
  12. so i am sick of the little crappy tv we have and its time to upgrade.... so i am looking for a TV that is working and is larger then 19" but not huge and preferably has a remote cause my roommate has this thing for remotes...so if anyone has anything out there let me know cause i wanna play mario kart
  13. i have godaddy for my sites and have found that they lack in some areas like blogging hosting and a few other areas but overall i like using them but as far as building a site look for some templates and such depending on your level of knowledge... as far as pricing they have some of the cheapest i have found
  14. im down for it also saw this posted in ohiohondas so see my post there too i guess lol keep me posted
  15. wow quite impressive now if only i can master this whole balance thing like it does
  16. great i work at a warehouse that might hurt my hours quite a bit...but i talk to quite a few of the drivers and they are all for it and i dont blame them
  17. so i was driving down 315 today and a huge rock flew up and got a nice chip in the windshield....anyone know of anyone who fixes these things as i really dont wanna get a whole new one..so just looking for someone fairly priced around the area
  18. i would rather see the vette but sadly it has transformed into a truck i think it is sex on wheels though...you sir do have good taste
  19. i dont have them anymore they sold this morning mods feel free to lock this
  20. i have also used this microwave many times and i must say great functionality but like some people have lots of cats or dogs we have to many microwaves..its odd i know...so someone get this Edit: even makes a sweet ding sound when done...great to annoy wife or kids
  21. 90% of the people had no fucking clue what was going on
  22. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3320850772548519355 full video that i found kinda graphic EDIT: ok really graphic
  23. wow kinda surprising wonder how accurate that is
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