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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/ Saints row 2 and the third risen 2 dark waters sacred 2 gold for 5 bucks you get extra dead island GOTY saints row third full package DLC 25 gets Dead island riptide
  2. saw on their facebook its opening soon, had some problems with permits i guess http://16-bitbar.com/
  3. Redraw the us border and make it Canada's problem. That was easy.
  4. Ikea might have something that size you could piece together
  5. I would call him out, gladly take an ass whooping then go after him for assault charges Then perhaps sue, problem solved.
  6. justinwebb

    Toy Barn

    So you were impressed eh?
  7. At work I saw someone who spends upwards of 3k a month on WOW stuff and has been doing it for years.
  8. Shoot me a pm as I don't really want to just post a link as my host might not like tons of traffic.
  9. I could upload it if anyone wants to see it
  10. Gonna find this tonight, looks interesting plus a second job couldn't hurt.
  11. Well I dislike children so I will never have one, but I can undoubtedly say that I would not go to the extent that it was taken as it would put you right up there with the ref, crazy as freaking hell. People like them just need to be put down, teach everyone a lesson that you commit any kind of crime such as that and you will be put down like a dog that they keep acting like. Crazy to think that just because their child was murdered how ever bad it may be, deserves to have that done. Peoples children die everyday, shit happens. I feel sorry for all of you.
  12. I dont watch sports so I could care less.... I would like to think cops that are stationed around said arena to tackle or shoot the person. We are not barbarians, who cuts off someones head and puts it on a stake? There must be an overabundance of simple people in brazil. Plus it is just a game, why are sports taken so seriously in the first place. It doesnt affect your day to day life, nothing in your life will change by a team winning or losing but obviously the Ref had some mental issue or anger problems to stab someone then mob mentality kicked in and people rushed the field. Its all just stupidity of people in general.
  13. All this over soccer? Good lord. What have people become?
  14. Loose connection or a pinched video cable that the ribbon might be shorting out. Only way to know is to follow the cable and look at its condition. I really don't see the motherboard or LCD being a issue.
  15. I'm so confused....
  16. My friends are going to Huntington park that have kids, figured they would have a safer time as there is cops, their own bathrooms and cut off from the rest of the people outside. Only down side is you have to buy tickets but it sounds like it might be better.
  17. They are 5" plastic easel's, i like to have things organized and didnt want them just laying there so thought up that idea. Got 12 of them from amazon for like 10 bucks but can be found at hobby lobby the cheapest. Wow you have started quite the collection and CIB (complete in box) is hard to come by, i just never got into the whole box thing as they take up too much room to display and I like to be able to use them. If you ever need anything I go to tons of auctions and stores I can pick you up stuff for cheap. I have gotten in pretty good with some store owners locally.
  18. Since the last post I have collected quite a bit more you could say, here is the retro game room now.... http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/DSC_0003_zps615ab85c.jpg Made end labels for each N64 game, makes it easier to find them. Roughly 130 N64 games, a handful of SNES and NES, but just picked up a flashcartridge that will hold all the ROM's and go into the NES http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/DSC_0030_zps74815bd1.jpg Every popular system from NES to Dreamcast http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/DSC_0032_zps9e1bc8ac.jpg Every system's controller including my gameboy collection http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/DSC_0029_zps6f8ed89d.jpg
  19. Get a DSTWO flashcart it will be more futureproof and runs emulators far better
  20. I bet had the cop of walked up and just offered to talk and find out what he was doing it might have gone smoother. Like hey how ya doing sir just curious as to why you are filming... is it for something and how can I help. Being nice and understanding goes a long way, sure the guy is trolling and odds are if you watch someone long enough they will make a mistake. Coming off right away as a jerk will just make the kid more defensive and escalate the situation.
  21. Lol dude has some temper issues and problems dealing with confrontation, sounds like the person I want with a gun. Sure the other guy is just waiting and watching for something to happen for whatever reason but no reason to freak out like that. Following the cops around is kinda odd, does he not have a job?
  22. its almost 8 i see blue sky, where is the chaos...
  23. Dear apple: You're welcome -The jailbreak community All the new stuff is nice, I installed a the beta build on one phone I have since i have a dev account. Its nice I like the changes, I would still like widgets but overall seems quite polished
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