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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. Joann fabrics has different kinds of foam
  2. I dont see how trashing a car just for hitting someone is justified, call insurance company and police but have a ton of people crowd around your car? no never. Mob mentality is the worst thing ever and if one person had a gun which looks quite likely then people could have died. I would have aimed for all of them and fixed a lot of problems at once. Plus was someone filming with an ipad? can you buy those with food stamps?
  3. All this because of some butthurt Catholics? Sigh, people need to lighten up nothing is that serious.
  4. This is correct, most games use the cartidge itself, but the memory packs are super cheap for an off brand at any video game store.
  5. figured i would update this, now have 17 games and its just sitting here taking up space http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/game_zpscf0c0be3.jpg
  6. When I read that they died chasing I was shocked as he was always the careful and planned one out of the whole show, perhaps just wrong place at the wrong time. My condolences to the family
  7. I think he called you an african american.
  8. Tomorrow is the retro gaming convention at fort rapids, they have 70 or so vendors selling a ton of games so take the kids and show them what you used to play and how cutting edge it was back then. Goes from 10-6pm and 2 bucks for admission.
  9. I wish to go back in time, tell them to add a few more lanes and to make it less shitty.
  10. They said its a non user serviceable drive, you can add external drives but not internal. Will the modding community try? Im sure but I bet microsoft will have some propreitary thing in there that cant be replicated.
  11. It looks like a VCR, can't replace the hard drive and no backwards compatibility. Fail all around plus it runs 3 OS's and is always connected.
  12. If you are jailbroken, everything is free
  13. I was underweight most of my school career, my parents took me to doctors and made me drink some weight gaining stuff and it never worked. I still never gained any weight and I was quite tall as well. Could just have a crazy fast metabolism like I do. I have to eat every 3 hrs or I feel like I might shrivel up and die lol.
  14. I read also where the load shifted to the aft and when planes take off there they climb fast to avoid any type of fire. When he climbed the load moved all the way back making so the plane center of gravity was off balance. He tipped the wing down and you could hear the crew go to full power trying to get it to level off but there wasnt enough forward movement nor altitude to recover. I also read where it might have been carrying MRAP's so those arent light by any means. They did everything they could in the mere seconds they had but it was outside of the envelope to begin with so no possible way to recover control.
  15. Hmmm I always drive fast on Gemini as most of the time when I am in the area there isn't much traffic with the odd hours I work. I always see people get in accidents trying to turn onto Gemini from either the church there or the mall. I never try to go left as its just a accident waiting to happen.
  16. I feel there was more to this then what was shown, I'm guessing to dude filming cut him off or even brake checked him. Nobody just does that without being provoked. I would have just let him side swipe me then spin the story in my favor and show the cop the video. Problem solved.
  17. 50 for the N64 is as low as I can go, someone buy it lol
  18. I have it in my personal collection but its not for sale sorry Let me know sir, would like to make some room in the gaming area lol
  19. Hope his waterboarding skills are up to par, he will be headed to gitmo lol
  20. AMD GPU's work tons better than any Nvidia card
  21. The father said his two daughters, ages 22 and 24, live in New York. Not for long lol
  22. dropped the N64 from $80 to $60 and the carbon cloth from $50 to $30 Also have (2) 5 gallon fish tanks 1 hood with florescent light, rocks, filter for 40 bucks
  23. So from now on I am willing to bet you wont be allowed near a maraton and you will be searched and no bags or anything allowed within a certain distance. It will be much like an airport.
  24. Ugh pulling ball bearings from people.... good. lord.
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