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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. 12:30 to 1:30 then it switches to night schedule in like a month. I was supposed to be on my night schedule now but they pushed it back for some reason, all i know is i hate 8-5 i am not a morning person
  2. yay for the bomb squad truck.....its number 2 i wonder where number 1 was at lol http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Other/0728091310.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Other/0728091310a.jpg
  3. I was there and it was craziness i just left after a while and went and got food as i was sick of waiting outside. I was amazed that they only evacuated half the building though i was like really chase do you not care about your employees lol. Snapped some pics of the bomb squad truck though. They said the device was something used to time presentations left in a conference room
  4. ill take it consider it sold call my cell 614-893-3444
  5. http://i30.tinypic.com/10oekq0.jpg http://i25.tinypic.com/2rz3wgl.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/aai0hv.jpg just got a pack of the loca moca at kroger and paid 56 cents you are welcome
  6. i got out of mine because i was told to go for fairfield county and i didnt live in fairfield county i lived in franklin so i got out of it luckilly
  7. i have been scuba diving off key west best experience ever. Saw quite a few sharks then a hammerhead and a bunch of black tip reef sharks. We even swam after them and they were a good 8 feet long. They were more afraid of us then we were of them. I was more worried about barracuda then the sharks cause barracuda will take off anything that is shiny and they just keep circling you.
  8. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a59/kidkilla/hickmap.jpg
  9. lol it was free i even was bored enough to find the thread
  10. haha lots on here know where i live, i cant keep everyone i have met on here and yes i think you did get the vcr lol. and now that i re-read your post i caught on to your sarcasm lol, long day at work today so i am a little slow
  11. I have always had AMD but just based on heat and such and AMD's dont do well with heat and the fact that the intel board had better specs for what i was needing i went with the intel board. Had the zotac amd board had more options for more ram and a 16x pci e slot i would have grabbed it. How do you know where i live lol? and sure i can help you any time just let me know i would be more than happy to help out, i am always trying to get others to go the car pc route
  12. ill be getting the 360 watt just to be safe with all the things i am running off of it lol i know 360 will run it just fine 250 would be really close. I have done all the calculations with all the parts to see how much load will be
  13. just out of sheer boreom i figured i would post up some new pics of the build. Got a new heatsink and fan and it should cool much better then the stock one did haha http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0385.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0386.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0387.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0389.jpg figured it will get quite hot in the car so figured it needed upgraded. rather not burn up the processor and seeing as how this is the fastest build i have seen done in a car pc application might as well do it right got a different case for it instead of teh cd changer idea i went with a micro atx case which i will be hiding up front, its a little smaller then a shoebox i was just worried abut temps in the trunk and it will e less wires i have in the car with it up front. Still need to put in the hard drive and such but its a start http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0392.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0393.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0395.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0396.jpg i am making it removable also so if i want to take it inside and game with it (yes it runs games well i play GTA IV and crysis on it lol) its an al black case i just have the top cover removed
  14. my girlfriend is interested in it, PM me with a time you are available
  15. windows xp will not recognize sata when you go to install it, you have to slipstream the drivers or when it asks if you wish to install any other drivers before windows installs you can do that. why not get a sata to ide adapter and call it a day?
  16. i agree what was with the 2 that went up then nothing for like 2 mins lol. I was right by the bridge on broad and marconi laughing at all the white trash that was there.
  17. they launched 7 scud missiles earlier today which only had a range of 250 miles lol.
  18. an hour and a half of a triangle spinning around and shooting dots at rocks and shit?
  19. looks good, nice clean install and if it gets broken into then oh well i show off my car pc all the time on forums, I carry insurance so if it gets stolen oh well that's why i have extra coverage lol. Can't go around worrying about stuff all the time
  20. lol mine is just a car that i drive when my beater breaks down. I am looking into getting a different car now that I actually have a job and all haha oh and paul i start on my 12-9 shifts here in like 2 weeks
  21. why did it have to be all honda owners i dont do stupid shit, but yet i am grouped with all the other douchebags
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