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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Thanks. And as for the 2nd part, I am seeing that first hand already.
  2. Big Congrats! My wife is starting this journey. I hope it turns out as well.
  3. Sounds pretty good sled. I still worry about cycling. I've no doubt the batteries shelve wonderfully. So as a 3rd or vacation car I think it'd be great. Sooner or later though people are going to start buying these as DDs and racking miles, and hence charge cycles. And nobody has solved the cycling decay problem yet. Been working with batteries for the past 10 years and was PM on a couple recent battery tech projects for two local power co's. (part of it driven by Tesla's success ironically enough - they're looking to bite into the big oil co's cookie). So I'm living in that space atm. However your mention of free replacement shuts me up. I like that alot. What are the threshold terms on the battery replacement? Does it have to be catastrophic or complete failure? Do you have to be original owner? Does a % degradation in capacity qualify? I'm figuring they'd have to bake in some allowable decay (because it will happen) in the fine print or they'd be on the hook for every battery in every car they sold. Do they say something like "10% degradation per X thousand miles is acceptable performance and therefore doesn't qualify for replacement"? I just wonder if there can't be a used market for these things like ICVs wherein 10-20 yr old well kept models go for cheap letting the blue collar crowd enjoy them some hot iron. But who knows... Musk ain't no fool. He's researching battery tech like no tomorrow. So I agree in the future these problems will be solved. I may have to get on one of these babies. The V is getting long in the tooth.
  4. yes. but these early models will be 2 years of glory and then boat anchors. And even then; swappable batteries - remember that the battery is the single most expensive part of the car. By far more expensive than all the electronics, the body, the engines.... Tesla really needs lease program. you DONT want to buy one of these used.
  5. Until you're more than a couple years into the car's life and the battery capacity is down to shitsville. Will make a nice lawn ornament then.
  6. impressive performance. Now if they could just make them not look like Camrys. They're just that perfect blend of ugly and bland that the japs do so well. its like a sentry had a child with a ford transit van. bleh.
  7. Well to be fair they did sink the Sheffield. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v188/adoptalad/gec/endurance/conflict-8.jpg ...buuuut, then the Brits turned around and did in the General Belgrano ... so, yeah http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/infocus/falklands033012/f01_40105767.jpg I wouldn't be surprised if they did a search for those plates. That sort of thing is right up Clarkson's alley. Either way, 1.5 fucks given.
  8. Apple stock dropped on the Samsung watch releases. Then dropped again on the Smart Watch release. Which looks like ass, btw.
  9. THIS is my usual CR. Crisis averted. Carry on. also, GTRs look like Camrys. Yawn.
  10. This is not my usual CR. Someone posted a vid of a Mustang winning a race? Where is my usual CR? Lol at the "welp it mayuh wun but it sounded terribad". rofl. Too Pointy Elbows.
  11. He beats the Malaysian scooter rider. 10/10
  12. And hey I figured it out before any of you yaboos posted. So there. Damn kids. Believe me - I've lived thru enough crazy shit in the analog cockpit of my old ass 6B that you don't dismiss stuff like that right away. If you saw half the stuff I've seen planes do that they shouldn't be able to do... (and you don't want them doing)
  13. THIS I am currently test driving a 2014 ATS. Just turned in the 2014 CTS. I don't buy used. I have a V now that I bought new and no its interior was not drastically different in terms of materials from the stock CTS's, then or now. Some controls, yes. Some stitching, yes. Seats, yes. But - if I buy the new model of either the CTS or ATS: Do I gotta live with that shit-ass cheap plasticy fake chromey console material? yes Do I gotta live with those shit-ass fake haptic-response controls that lag like death? yes Do I gotta live with that shit-ass slow, unresponsive and designed-by-a-retard CUE? yes Do I gotta live with the retarded vent placement that cools your right hand's knuckles and nothing else? yes OR.... I could say "Fuck it. GM, you screwed up a perfectly good car" and buy a competitor's. I mean, it won't be a weekend plaything. I use these things as DDs AND toys. CLIFF'S NOTES: 2004 CTS-V=all around great car. 2014/15 CTS/ATS: great drivetrain, shitty interior to live with. nope
  14. How do you like it? Seriously considering the ISF after having extended test drove a 2014 CTS and ATS for the past week. I don't think I'll be getting the 2015 V. Can't STAND this thing's interior. The seat's suck. The console materials suck. The CUE system sucks. .... So - on goes the search. Liking your lexus?
  15. Pants. Full. Ok this may be old news but its new to me. One of my old squadron mates just sent to me. Man if my EA-6B had done this to me I would probably have shit my pants, my navigators pants, and the pants of the skipper. Thrust Vectoring. Mmmmm.... yeah ok. ---------- EDIT: fuck me, nevermind - its a clip from a video game. In my defense the guy that sent it to me is younger than I am.
  16. This thing has me seriously considering buying a Dodge for the first time in my life. This or the Charger.
  17. Call me corny but I thought that was great.
  18. http://www.networkworld.com/article/2369723/it-skills-training/carnegie-mellon-system-lets-you-get-to-the-good-parts-of-video-fast.html I feel like this should be used for every car, race, crash, and track video posted here or anywhere on the interwebz: Any street race vid anywhere goes like this: 5mins of boring ass shit, 7secs of race/crash.
  19. Great stuff. Please keep em coming. Many new desktops found.
  20. I totally recommend scubadiving in water
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