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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I've mounted several optics that way for a couple reasons. One - as you say, depending on rail and setup you can't get the scope where you need it for proper eye relief, and Two - As a leftie shooter I can tell you many of these mounts just don't sit as well facing one way over the other. That subtle little difference in cheek weld / rail placement / mount build / dominant eye can mean a lot. Mount it how it works for you. -------- (Lastly - though this shouldn't be a factor except for shitty equipment/badluck - I've had certain mounts just refuse to dial in properly. No matter what I did it wouldnt zero perfect. Flip the mount around, bingo, right on first click. I won't list this above cuz I think its mostly due to ghetto gear, but there have been some combos of premium manufacturers that just won't play nice together)
  2. His last tweet before he passed: Talk about a thoughtful, class act. I am surprisingly depressed by his passing.
  3. RIP. The smart ones die early. We're left with the retards.
  4. You'll love it. Seminal gaming moment. So many titles in the RTS field begged borrowed and stole from Homeworld in the decade plus since its release that you'll recognize alot in it. At the time it was revolutionary. Even so, it was the art and the amazing audio, cutscene and story that really hooked people deep. The story's simple visual style is pure win: when Karan S'jet hooks herself into the ship linkage to become Mothership, her sacrifice to make the big ship fly... you just wanna give her a big http://www.childrensmuseumineaston.org/teddy-bear.jpg
  5. Unlocking on Steam in 3hrs 52 minutes. Its been 15 years. I missed you. xox I will see you all in four days after my first shower, meal, and a dump. *Salute* *goes to PC to watch countdown clock* HW RM http://www.homeworldremastered.com/ watch in 1080, heathens http://www.homeworldremastered.com/images/HW2_Remastered_05.jpg So. Beautiful. http://oi46.tinypic.com/1217fy1.jpg
  6. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/673/iGXLI9.jpg
  7. Doubt his behavior once he exited vehicle was due to being high. He was already shot when he got out. The rest is the confusion and slow loss of body control that happens after being shot. I am sure that pistol weighed two tons to him just before he passed out.
  8. Offer them half retail at most. If they don't accept, walk. Its the most you should ever pay for stolen goods anyway.
  9. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MOg1jkdKL.jpg
  10. The Kel Tecs (3) I've handled had build, feed, and loading issues. My friends that own them have reported significant reliability issues. Doubt I'd buy one used. I'd need that warranty. But beyond that - I have problems with a couple of its design choices: as we did some stress scenarios, I found that loading that gun under stress introduced too many failure opportunities. We watched several guys end up shutting off the feed brake (shut off) without knowing it. Also the single well for both holes is an issue for me, you have to guide the shells in yourself and if you have big hands like my ham hocks its an issue. There's other issues I have with it, but those were big. I wanted to like it real bad. To be fair the "pre feed" and wonky feeder doors is a big ding on the UTAS to me also. Feeding should be "do it in the dark" "can do it even when you're getting shot at" simple. So far, we've been able to trip up owners of both guns - who are very familiar with them - pretty severely using even mild stress inducement scenarios. Also I think the DP-12 doesn't give the full listed capacity if you run 3". No such thing as the perfect gun
  11. I have a need for a bullpup formfactor and an extended magazine capacity so this solves those real requirements. I already have a Remington 870 Tactical Express for the long gun duties; pure unadulterated reliability and stone age simplicity, I love it. This design seems the simplest of all the dual feed bullpup systems. Much more simple than the KSG or UTAS, since its not really a dual feed, but really two side by side. I just wish it had select feed, but then that adds complexity for little value, IMO. Its basically two 870s with down eject welded side by side, hard to get simpler than that. I would love for them to dump value and be able to pick one up on gun broker for ~$600 but I seriously doubt that happening. If it did they'd have to totally TANK reviews and reliability (in which case I wouldn't buy one anyway). After all, the KSGs and UTAS's still are selling for near full value on the auction sites years on and both of those have had serious teething issues. Going to keep my eye on this one. Will await wider reviews. If I do pick one up will report in on how it stacks up next to the 870.
  12. Didn't see a post on this, wanted to get the crew's thoughts. DP-12 Double Barrel Shotgun I've been keeping an eye on this new shotty's development since Connecticut Shotgun Manufacturing Co. announced it/first-revealed it back around October. They had a booth at this year's Shot Show and had some demo models on the shooting range for the attendees to check out. Apparently they went thru over 1100 shooters on the same gun without a single failure. A fair number of youtube vids out on it now, but they all tend to be the same intro material or a clip of the reporter at the booth or on the shoot line in Vegas. What do you guys think? Been in the market for a bullpup shotty, and been saving my pennies for a 3rd or 4th gen UTAS-15 or Keltec KSG, but there are so many horror stories out there on both of them. Toyed with mounting the Remington 870 in a Bullpups Unlimited chassis, but losing teh 15+ shot capacity is a downside. To me pros and cons are: Pros: Bullpup Single billet aluminum receiver Made in USA Drop-in load (no push) Bog simple design Bottom eject (this is big as I'm a leftie) Two pulls of the trigger per shuck threaded chokes for the sexckzy chokes integrated top rail magpul compliant side channels for additional tacticool mounting free rimjob by any chick that sees you holding it Cons: Since both tubes have to fire on each chuck there's no true selection of ammo ala the KSG or UTS15 New, so unproven (gen1 blues) Almost as pricey as a KSG or UTS ($1395) teardown / cleaning looks like it could be complicated (field strip?) right now exclusive distribution thru CheaperThanDirt I won't lie - that last one is a HUGE negative for me. Apparently CTD made them an outstanding offer, but hopefully they get to some other distributors soon and the CTD exclusive runs out. I kinda refuse to do business thru CTD anymore because of their gouging hijinks recently. Some other vids:
  13. HoloLense masks the e thru the use of sophisticated holographic spell checking technology
  14. If you do SEO, marketing, etc. or you work for a company that does this or you know a person who does and you or they are looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity, please contact me. Contact me here or on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelmillerohio
  15. I got some super valuable old computer gear. I have a 286 that Elvis once wanked on. $34k or best offer.
  16. Super Sara Well there was a little "no fucks given" going on there - they kinda kept driving. If I'd seen that my car woulda been parked and my ass out of that car so fast... She was probably saying something "hurry up or you'll be late".
  17. Speaking as a multi-engine pilot who's gone thru a launch-related engine loss (albeit in a jet off a cat), when you lose power in a turboprop on takeoff you have like 5 seconds to execute a series of actions or you're in deep shit. Completely different animals than a jet which typically has a greater excess of power. Jet/prop has nothing to do with stall performance. They had an engine flameout, and the plane was last inspected on Jan 26th. Expect some fallout. I'd hate to be that tech right now. How'd you like to be the guy in the yellow taxicab? clipped its front bumper right off. wow. On the other hand - thats number three. Are we safe now?
  18. Dayum http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/80771000/jpg/_80771317_plane.jpg
  19. won't buy. gimmick. I use real watches, always will. apple doing nothing the rest cant too or already have, and still no reason to get one, ever. Regardless, I am set to be nauseated at the blogosphere giving apple blowjobs about how they invented something they didn't or that we need this pos for dumbass made up reason #123 or how their lack of features vs competitors is by design. disgusting level of fanboydom writing will be exercised in full come launch. Calling it. Also - I'm not a faggot hipster.
  20. Dublin has been pounding their fist on that school cancellation plunger like they're digging for buried treasure. Give me a break here. Please keep em open on Monday! PReeeeeeeeeeeeese!
  21. Pfffft. Snow on ma car is just free Tailgater Repellant. Thanks, Mother Nature. You got my back.
  22. I'll buy in when that thing becomes real vs an announcement.
  23. ..and cheese makes my poop hard. I learned alot about wiping from my time in toilet training.
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