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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Originally posted by Wease:

    It's probably the same kind of kill story I have when 03/04 Cobra's tailgate me... :D

    Cobra's don't tailgate. We're busy combing our mullets and ownin' the road. Hey, btw, wish me luck: I'm hoping to crack into the 11s in a couple weekends at edgwater. No spray. Stock pulley, gears, exhaust, weight. smile.gif
  2. Originally posted by No Speed:

    Sorry about that, I just wanted a better look at your car. My 12psi > *

    If that was you - no biggie, I'm pretty much over it. But seriously - don't ride so close. If you'd just waited for room I'd have let you line up. But as it was, if I had to brake you woulda ruined both our cars. So I just sorta decided to leave you far behind to continue whatever it was you were about.


    BTW - why is that bov so loud?

  3. Don't want to post a kill story on a turbo civtegra. That'd be like tellin a story how I nailed the ugly girl. Go me! Er, no.


    It was a good looking car. Driver looked young, maybe mid-twenties? Nobody on here?


    But the tailgating s$%t had to go, hence my post. And as much as I'd have liked to, I'm not going to brakecheck someone in my good car. Funny how they never tailgate the beater pickup.


    Ok, ok, I admit I did enjoy the part where they couldn't stay up in the cloverleaf. Only because I'm sure he was convinced turns were all his. Heh. Wrong.


    ...and I had a bag of groceries in the trunk.

    So if you're on here, nice car, but don't tailgate, I don't want my porterhouses and bread squished.

    Originally posted by Ricochet:

    ...the Honda guy has something to prove to you...16-18 years old and wanted nothing but to piss you off...

    You mean the typical FF Civic owner?


    [ 19. May 2004, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

  4. Bright red Civic or Integra (I couldn't tell because it was body-kitted). Big FMIC. Turbo'd (could hear the bov inside my car on the highway). License plate B-SomethingOrOther.


    Anybody on here? If so - 1: Please don't tailgate, if you want something just roll down your window and ask. 2: What were you thinking?

  5. I wasn't impressed at all by Gladiator's fights scenes. That is, the secnes were good - the filming of them sucked. Switching to every-other-frame and 15fps mode in a full sized film is pure cheeze. Better ways to convey the cnfusion and franticness of cmbat than that... eh.


    Haven't seen this film yet. Probably will wait for DVD. Did Pitt play Achilles as the asshole he was supposed to be, or did they re-invent Achilles as a "good guy"?

  6. Originally posted by 2000silvergtp:

    Wigsite - Just because I drive a pontiac dosen't mean I don't know anything about cars!! Why are you on this board??


    300hp is plenty of hp to get a car the weight of the Mach into the 12s. I had the pleasure of watching a certain Bob Cosby take a 99 Cobra into the 11s with less than 400hp. Explain that.

  7. Originally posted by OSoSlow5.0:

    06 Cobra for 30k ish, ha keep dreamin. last i heard they will be around 43k

    Colletti in last month's SVT newletter said they were targetting mid-30s for coupes. We'll see if that sticks.


    I really dig the GTO's instrument cluster. Not digging the access to the rear seat, but eh, still a nice interior.

  8. Originally posted by nate dog:

    A corvette guy get flamed on svt performance? Nahh....


    Really close race!! All too bad the Cobra has the aerodynamics of a barn, and the weight of my momma. :(


    I wonder how he can spray through a KB blower without hurting the rotors.

    What was that question I remember from the summer of 2002? Oh yes... "Blow an LS1 and see what happens". Guess we did. the Z06 driver was a cock, he deserved all the flaming he got. I remember a few comments about him on the vette boards also. A general tool.


    Lotta Cobras are spraying. For cooling more than anything actually. Read up at SVTPerformance.com

  9. Agreed - watching the American college students (who had to put in mouthpieces, btw, pussies) imitate it sucks next to the original. I was rooting for some of those college kids to really get hurt, but alas, twas not to be. Ok, back to the genuine article, and no more Tony Hawk and the American showboaters.
  10. Originally posted by Crocostimpy:

    Just warning the guy... I sure as hell would want to know if a shop that I was thinking of taking a $30k+ car to had just wrecked the exact same type of car.


    And I didn't make any claims on Hensler racing and the type of work they do. graemlins/nonono.gif:rolleyes:

    This is a good point. If you're going to drop off your car then you do need to consider more than just the work itself that is performed.


    For example: You can have the best mechanics in town who each do A+ work, but if your shop is in a shitty part of town, I would think twice about leaving my car in that area, and as a potential customer I would appreciate knowing about "the other stuff that happens around there" before I left my baby in the care of another.


    But its also good to get the entire story.


    Eh, in this case that story is enough so that I would specify no outside contractors work on my car, and would also ask to see how they store and protect the cars off-hours. Both fair questions, even if asked because of an unfair story.


    The only stupid question is the one you wished you had asked.

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